The church is the way the truth, you roMAN catHOLICS sound like Mormons!

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Graham Budd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
woops!! sent this accidentally...not finished, so will, with your
indulgence, carry on...

In other words, what we think we bring by ourselves to the Bible
is coloured by our background, part of which was painfully worked
out by many Christians in previous centuries, in prayer and thought
and practical reflection.

jt: I don't think so Graham; we are to subject ourselves to the
Word of God rather than the other way around; also we are
to be Berean and check all tradition by the scriptures rather
than the way you present it here.

gb: What I want to say out of this is: the Church is ours; and the
Church is us. Its failures are our failures; and its successes ours too.

jt: Not the church I'm part of; my Church belongs to the one who
purchased it with his blood, that is the Lord Jesus Christ and he is
the one who is building it.

gb: And its teaching through the ages; and its reception. We teach,
and we listen too.

jt: He teaches and his sheep hear his voice. Listening to everything
coming down the pike and adding to it just puts one on the broad

gb: So, to cut ourselves off from the Church is to be divorced from
ourselves; and so we cannot stand.

jt: To separate from apostasy is a good thing; it's not good to be
found with a lie in your right hand.


God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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