John wrote:
The problem with "person"  (and I have used this many more times than once)
gives us the impression that know what God looks like.
DAVEH:  Does not the Bible suggest what God looks like when we
are told Jesus is in his express image?  (He 1:3)   It seems logical to
me that the Son would look similar to his Father.
jt: Jesus did not refer to 'body image' when He made that statement
He speaks of 'nature and character'
[??] We are persons.   He is a person.   They (all three) are persons   ---   and walla   --
he is male with arms, legs, hindquarters.    The manifestation becomes the reality and
the observation by John that "no man hath seen God at any time"  gets lost in the shuffle. 
jt: Some misguided souls now think God looks like Jim Caveizel ..

DAVEH:  Do you leave any room for considering that some men of 
God may have seen him, though not necessarily with their natural eyes. 
Did not Stephen see God when filled with the Holy Ghost?  (Acts 7:55) 

    There are certainly passages that infer that such a belief (men that
see God will die) is in error.  Judges 13:22 is a good example...... And
Manoah said unto his wife, We shall surely die, because we have
seen God.

........Isaiah is another who spoke of seeing the King in 6:5.  To me
though, the most compelling passage is Gen 32:30......And Jacob
called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face,
and my life is preserved.

.......What more evidence can be more plain than that, John?

    Perhaps Jn 6:46 might make more sense in light of many Biblical
instances (suggesting some men are able to see God and live) if one
considers the exception (save he which is of God) may be referring to
anybody who is filled with the HG as was Stephen, rather than thinking
the passage exclusively refers to Jesus.
jt: We should take Jesus at his Word DaveH. After all HE is the Truth.
Manoah and his wife were visited by an angel which is plain from the
text. Manoah called it God after the fire rose from the altar but this
needs to be taken in balance and context. Jacob wrestled at Bethel
with the 'angel of the Lord's presence' in the form of a man and
Stephen saw "the glory of God" with Jesus sitting at his right hand.

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study


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