What I do find curious though is why you feel the Bible is inerrant,
when you apparently aren't even sure who penned parts of it.  Who
do you think wrote Hebrews, Kevin?  DavidM thought you might
possibly think Paul did so, but I would like to hear your thoughts
about what you believe regarding the author of Hebrews.....???
jt: Same author for all 66 books DaveH; he just uses different
messengers. The authority of your mail does not depend on
whether you have the pedigree of the mailman delivering it
does it?  Those who know the author in a personal way can
receive His Word because they recognize His voice.

God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

Kevin Deegan wrote:
There exists more than 24,000 partial & complete manuscript (mss) copies of the bible.
They are available for inspection.
The existing quotes (of portions of the New Testament) of the Bible number over 86,000
These are found in letters and documents of the "church fathers" including several thousand lectionaries (CHURCH SERVICE BOOKS CONTAINING PORTIONS OF SCRIPTURE)
Without the manuscripts all but about 11 verses could be assembled from just the quotations.

All 86,000 of these mss and many Lectionaries are available for inspection and cross checking the VALIDITY of the new testament we hold in our hands.
Where can we scrutinize the sources for the BoM?
DAVEH:  Why do you care, Kevin?  Have you not already determined it is false?  Is there anybody else in TT who thinks it is true other than a few LDS TTers?  I don't want to speak for Blaine, but I have not been pushing the BofM on anybody here.  Nor do you have any interest in considering if it is true.  So I don't feel compelled to defend it to your satisfaction---what would be the point!  


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