Kevin Deegan wrote:
I want to see what you folks believe too.
DAVEH:  From the way your respond to my questions and answers, that seems a very surprising comment, Kevin.  From my perspective, it seems you are more intent on denigrating my beliefs than finding out what they really entail.
There are a lot of posts that you & Blaine totally ignored.
DAVEH:  I've admitted to not being in the same scholastic league as other TTers.  Sometimes I simply don't have good answers.  Sometimes I feel that the questions that are asked are not really seeking answers as much as they are to set me up for an easy knockdown victory.  Sometimes I'm just overwhelmed by the volume of TT mail.   And sometimes.....I exceed my 8 post daily limit......   :-D
Even when attempting an answer, you pick & choose ignoring much of the substance..
I am not giving you the runaround I have answered the question. What do you not understand?
DAVEH:  I guess don't understand you, Kevin.  I find having a normal exchange of ideas with you to be difficult.  It is almost like we are on two different wavelengths and very few genuine ideas filter through.

    For instance......DavidM suggested you believe the Bible literally (including the headers) and may believe Paul penned Hebrews.  I was seeking your affirmation or denial of that, but never really got it.   To me it seemed a simple thing to answer, but what came from you seemed so go so far away from the nature of the question that it seemed you were trying disparately to avoid revealing your true beliefs.  At least that's my perception. 

    So......I'll try once more.  Who do you think penned Hebrews?  If you don't care to plainly answer.....I'll try not to ask it again.  I'm not going to badger you on this forever, I just am interested in what you believe.

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

> DaveH, no one conclusively knows who wrote Hebrews.

DAVEH: That has been previously mentioned, and I understand that. But
I was asking Kevin specifically about what he believes because of a
comment DavidM made about what he suspects Kevin believes....that Paul
did pen Hebrews. I just wanted to hear it from Kevin directly IF that
is what he really believes. IF he doesn't believe that way, or doesn't
know what he believes....that would be OK with me too. I just wanted to
know where he stands on this.

I've got to admit though.....since Kevin seemed keen to dodge my
question, I have to wonder why. I'm not sure what he thinks I'll do/say
if he reveals his true beliefs, but I assure you and everybody else on
TT that I am not out to skewer Kevin or anybody else here. I merely
want to find out what you folks believe and why you believe the way you
do. But.....I guess I've said that before, eh! (I suspect you still
don't believe me I right about that, Perry?)

> Paul is the most likely candidate, but there is no solid proof.
>> From: Dave
>> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] reliability of the HOLY BIBLE
>> Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 18:39:26 -0800
>> DAVEH: Why do you go to such great lengths to avoid telling me who
>> you think penned Hebrews, Kevin?
>> Kevin Deegan wrote:
>>> Joseph Smith, Jr., /The Holy Scriptures, Translated and Corrected by
>>> the Spirit of Revelation, by Joseph Smith, Jr. the Seer .../ Plano,
>>> Illinois: Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
>>> Saints. Joseph Smith, I.L. Rogers, E. Robinson, Publishing
>>> Committee, 1867.
>>> This version was several times reprinted by Herald Publishing House
>>> in Independence, Missouri as the /Inspired Version. The Holy
>>> Scriptures, Corrected by the Spirit of Revelation by Joseph Smith,
>>> Jr./ A slightly revised edition was published by Herald Publishing
>>> House in 1944 under the title, /Holy Scriptures. Containing the Old
>>> and New Testaments. An Inspired Revision of the Authorized Version,
>>> by Joseph Smith, Junior. A New Corrected Edition./ Herald Publishing
>>> House is the official publisher of the Reorganized Church of Jesus
>>> Christ of Latter Day Saints, which holds the copyright on this version.
>>> TRUTH?
>>> INSPIRED? -----> Corrected -------> slightly Revised
>>> LOL!
>>> JoE Smith Inspired Version or JST Which do you use?
>>> This corrected edition of the Inspired Version of the Holy
>>> Scriptures was prepared under the direction of the First Presidency
>>> and the Board of Publication of the Reorganized Church of Jesus
>>> Christ of Latter Day Saints. The committee found some words and
>>> phrases transposed or improperly placed in the work done by Joseph
>>> Smith, Jr. These errors, together with others involving spelling,
>>> punctuation, and typographical or other omissions, were corrected,
>>> particularly in those instances where the meaning of the text had
>>> been affected. Few other corrections were required.
>>> LDS Bible "correctors":
>>> */Kevin Deegan /* wrote:
>>> There is no defense of a book (BoM) that has been changed
>>> countless times.
>>> The book has been tampered with, it has been cooked.
>>> There are no extant copies of the source documents. No BoM sites,
>>> NO BoM peoples names recorded in any history, places or documents
>>> secular or otherwise.
>>> It was the invention of a 19th century farm boy and his Spirit
>>> Guide Nephi later changed to Moroni.
>>> God wrote the book he used Holy Men not a pervert like JoE.
>>> God gave it - God preserved it.
>>> Ps 12:6-7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in
>>> a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O
>>> LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
>>> According to YOU, God lost his church, God lost his word. Your god
>>> is a promiscious pipsqueak
>>> */Dave /* wrote:
>>> Kevin Deegan wrote:
>>>> There exists more than 24,000 partial & complete manuscript
>>>> (mss) copies of the bible.
>>>> They are available for inspection.
>>>> The existing quotes (of portions of the New Testament) of the
>>>> Bible number over 86,000
>>>> These are found in letters and documents of the "church
>>>> fathers" including several thousand lectionaries (CHURCH
>>>> Without the manuscripts all but about 11 verses could be
>>>> assembled from just the quotations.
>>>> *All 86,000 of these mss and many Lectionaries are available
>>>> for inspection and cross checking the VALIDITY of the new
>>>> testament we hold in our hands.*
>>>> Where can we scrutinize the sources for the BoM?
>>> DAVEH: Why do you care, Kevin? Have you not already
>>> determined it is false? Is there anybody else in TT who
>>> thinks it is true other than a few LDS TTers? I don't want to
>>> speak for Blaine, but I have not been pushing the BofM on
>>> anybody here. Nor do you have any interest in considering if
>>> it is true. So I don't feel compelled to defend it to your
>>> satisfaction---what would be the point!
>>> What I do find curious though is why you feel the Bible is
>>> inerrant, when you apparently aren't even sure who penned
>>> parts of it. Who do you think wrote Hebrews, Kevin? DavidM
>>> thought you might possibly think Paul did so, but I would like
>>> to hear your thoughts about what you believe regarding the
>>> author of Hebrews.....???
>> --
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Dave Hansen
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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