In a message dated 3/12/2004 10:39:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Do you kind of get what I'm saying? I hope you do, because it speaks to what I like about you. I'm not advocating error, but I want to go to that abounding grace. I think that's where we find Christ. Don't you?

Much appreciated.   I more than get it.   I went to the School of Preaching in Dallas as a 24 year old preacher (I had been preaching for 5 years to that date).  The big question on my mind was the "binding of apostolic approved examples" as being equal to stated law.   There was a book in print, then, titled We Be Brethren  (written by the professor of biblical studies at Abilene Christian).  One of the two CofC doctrines coming from that principle was weekly First Day of the Week communion (established only in example   --  Acts 20:7  and the Lord's feast with the disciples before His death).   My problem was this:  In the two examples the day is NOT the same, but the place of meeting was (the upper room).   I needed a rule of interpretation that got rid of the upper room but bound the day.   Ain't going to happen!   The real problem about this issue was more than obvious to me:  I was about to enter the world of deep du du.    As you know, there is no discussion allowed on this matter within the church.      

I was excited about going to the school because I thought this question would be answered.  One of the churches in south Dallas offered full support while I attended.   I maintained a 4.0 grade average and was class President while there. The youth group I pastored doubled in size -- I was everybody's favorite son.  But then I wrote a paper on the New Covenant.    That paper, that darned old paper, was my demise in the CofC for two reasons.   First:  I discovered grace and the true difference between the Old and New Covenants (grace verse law, even the "law"of God)    What was exciting to me with that new found understanding was the logic used against me -- "if you believe that, well then, you could commit all kinds of sin and still be saved" which was every similar to the argument Paul had to deal with "shall
we sin  more that grace may abound?"   I HAD NEVER DEFENDED MYSELF FROM SUCH AN ACCUSATION before.   That told me that I was probably on the same track as Paul (and his teaching of grace)  --- I mean we were both defending ourselves from the same rebuttals.   You see what I mean?   Anyway, that combined with my final decision to leave binding apostolic example out of my teaching put me over the edge.   I was not allowed to graduate from the school   ----   a big scandal and I was a very frightened young man.   My church gave me six weeks to get out of town and off I went. My wife, dyed in the wool CofC never forgave (we divorced after 23 years - part of the reason my exit from the church).   I remember the day I had to meet with the school administration.   Driving into Dallas, praying to God in tears, "God I do not want to believe this.   Give me something, open my eyes if they are closed."   

Anyway,  I have to get out the door.  We will continue the discussion of the limitations of the all knowing God  -- and i do say that with reverence.   Understand this  -- I like to think but I am grounded in my faith, not afraid to be wrong, pleasantly demanding when I am right.   You will learn of me that I go down in flames.   I defend a point until its defense is exhausted.   But if I am wrong, even if afraid, I do change.   I respect that in others.   We are all truth seeker.   None of us are right about everything.   .  

By the way, I am going to see my oldest son today (leaving for the State of Washington.  He is the only one of my five children that is somewhat of a space cadet (he is a layer, you know).  He attends a Unitarian Church.  Me and him are going to have it out.   Pray that I will be given the right words.  This a great group and I do respect your view point   ---  even the Mormon dudes.    I see you all of you a commitment to what you must believe.   

I amy have time before I go to handle a challenge or two - today.   I am leaving for Seattle this evening and driving straight thru.   Eeeeeeeee gads.   

In Grace

John Smithson   I am looking forward tyour continued and increasing friendship, Bill Taylor.   Peace out.  

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