Kevin Deegan wrote:
Where does the Bible say go ye into all the world and live the gospel?
It says preach!
DAVEH:  Does it say anything about scaring folks off......
The Bible says it is through the foolishness of preaching it pleased God to SAVE men.
You got a better idea?
DAVEH:  Preach them to love God and their fellow men as themselves.
Faith cometh through being a good example?
DAVEH:  Perhaps a good example promotes faith better than an ugly demonstration.
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God!
There is something about taking the advice of a NON christian on how to attract them to become christians that sends up a red flag.
DAVEH:  LOL.......If you want to impress Mormons, keep on waving the underwear, Kevin. You will definitely get their (and everybody else's) attention, but IMHO....... to your detrimental efforts.  I think you are just spinning your wheels to produce a lot of smoke, without getting anywhere.  As I said before, I think you are shooting yourself in the foot with such tactics.  Furthermore, I would question the sanity of any LDS folks who would be converted by such efforts.  However, if you want to demonstrate to non Christians the fruit that they can enjoy by converting to Christianity, then I would would suggest you ponder the far reaching image of Jesus you are projecting.
I have had Satanists tell me stop preaching I am turning off the Satanists. (How do you turn off a Satanist to Christ???????)
Just hand out the literature, that is a better way.
Problem is none of them want the literature either!

"Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think we should all be mature enough to take some responsibility in Dave
H's criticisms. He is spot on. If so-called "non-Christians" are not being
attracted to our Faith via the way in which we love each other, then we are
missing something very important to our Lord. Thank you DaveH. I for one
will take your words to heart.

bill taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Perry Locke"
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:22 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Tough being a Christian

> >From: Dave
> >Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Tough being a Christian
> >Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 23:40:16 -0800
> >
> >Charles Perry Locke wrote:
> >
> >>DaveH,
> >>
> >> There is more unity among the Christians here on TT, and in the
> >>than perhaps you see.
> >
> >DAVEH: Hmmmmmm.....Perhaps the frequent vocal conflicts reflect a skewed
> >sample in contrast to the unified TTers who are in a bit more control of
> >their thinking.
> >
> >>Sure, we may disagree on the fringe aspects,
> >
> >>like what soul really is, or whether the blood contains life and death,
> >>but I believe that we are aligned on the central theme of the
> >>Bible...Christ, and Him crucified, for our sins.
> >
> >DAVEH: OK Perry......So you are unified with them in this
> >respect......that also makes you unified with LDS theology in this
> > It is the fringe elements where we part company.....
> If we had the same Jesus, I would agree. Also, I am talking biblical
> not extra-biblical fringe.
> >
> >>The debates among Christians here on TT are pretty much in-house debates
> >>resolving issues that are interesting to understand, but do not
> >>our salvation.
> >
> >DAVEH: This may surprise you, Perry.......But I'm not really as
> >about the theology TTers argue, but rather the way they argue. Yes, I do
> >find the divergent doctrinal controversies to be interesting.
> >is the acrid comments that I find distressing. And I'm not to worried
> >about those disparaging comments directed at me. I expect that,
> >considering how I know most TTers think about my beliefs. What concerns
> >is how they show their feelings toward their own fellow Christians. I
> >assume you read Ellsman's recent comments? Wow......what tree bears
> >like that!
> Yes, I read Elsman's comments.
> >
> > I see peculiar activities and comments by street preachers on TT, and
> >it makes me wonder what makes them tick. To me, they are seemingly
> >preaching the hell-fire and brimstone religion of fear, rather than
> >brotherly love. If I were to bet the farm on which person would be more
> >likely to inherit the kingdom of God, Mother Theresa ministering to the
> >poor......or......a street preacher waving underwear to draw attention to
> >Jesus........
Dave Hansen
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