Kevin Deegan wrote:
DAVEH:  I don't think you've got that exactly right, but you are close
>enough that it works for the purpose of this discussion.  From my
>perspective, the Lord reveals his will to his servants, the prophets,
>and they pass his word down from there.   I don't see how that is much
>different from how the Lord communicated to many of his followers in
> Bible times.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Is this the verse you were looking for DaveH? This is the standard LDS prooftext for why we need "profets" According to this verse God will do NOTHING except He reveals it to the Prophets. Your PSR (Proph Seer Revelator) must have to know about a alot of stuff that is going on, cause God will do Nothing unless the SEER knows about it. In reality we find that he does not know a thief & robber when the Prophet himself is one of the victims. See Mark Hoffman and sale of Forged doc's to the FIRST PRESIDENCY. The prophet inspected them with a magnifying glass, like JoE the glass looker, could not see a FALSE document from a true! The Prophet can never lead astray yet he has spent 30 Million dollars on Main Street Plaza and there is more to come. Did your god want 30 Million in tithe money lost. If the Supreme court rejects the deal, how do you suspect the City of Salt Lake will repay the 30 million they have already spent?

DAVEH:  Maybe they'll tax the street preachers......    :-$

Dave Hansen
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