How shall we KNOW Him, without His word?
He reveals His Truth and His commands through His word.

Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.

Good Theology can lead to Truth & keep you in Truth
Bad theology can damn your soul
We are commanded to Stand Fast in the DOCTRINE
Are you suggesting an alternate way? 
If I told you I was gonna give you a free trip to go to all the places of the bible where he walk, you would jump at the opportunity. The Holy land is where Jesus was. Well I know where He IS walking today, He is in the pages of the Bible!
Jesus is the one who saves us but He gave his word to us so we could know him. Where would you be without the Bible?
We are BORN AGAIN thru His word 1 Peter 1:21
We get Faith thru His word Romans- Faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God
Are you suggesting we give up our Bible?

Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

Doctrines of God or doctrines of men & devils
What is your choice?
Do you think this would describe some of you peckerheads?
If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

"Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Beep, beep, coming through,
What would you guys say to the fool (gently now, I'm talking about myself) who says that it is not our theology (our biblical, doctrinal, and systematic beliefs) which save us; it is Jesus Christ our Lord who saves us; and that our theology is the means through which we participate in the salvation of our Lord? Good theology translates into a better / truer / more in-depth knowledge of and relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit to his Father, and bad theology diminishes and limits our ability to know and relate to him / them. How problematic would that be?
Bill Taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Tough being a Christian

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
DAVEH:  OK Perry......So you are unified with them in this respect......that also makes you unified with LDS theology in this respect.  It is the fringe elements where we part company.....

If we had the same Jesus, I would agree. Also, I am talking biblical fringe, not extra-biblical fringe.
DAVEH:  Most everything I've discussed in TT has been in context of the Bible. 
The debates among Christians here on TT are pretty much in-house debates resolving issues that are interesting to understand, but do not determine our salvation.

DAVEH:  This may surprise you, Perry.......But I'm not really as concerned about the theology TTers argue, but rather the way they argue.  Yes, I do find the divergent doctrinal controversies to be interesting.  But.......It is the acrid comments that I find distressing.  And I'm not to worried about those disparaging comments directed at me.  I expect that, considering how I know most TTers think about my beliefs.  What concerns me is how they show their feelings toward their own fellow Christians.  I assume you read Ellsman's recent comments?   Wow......what tree bears fruit like that!

Yes, I read Elsman's comments.
DAVEH:  Did you (or any other TTers) rejoice in them?  After reading his post, I had to wonder for what purpose did he make them.  Did it bring any edification?  Even if the charges are/were what?  Even rogues like myself are welcome in TT.
   I see peculiar activities and comments by street preachers on TT, and it makes me wonder what makes them tick.  To me, they are seemingly preaching the hell-fire and brimstone religion of fear, rather than brotherly love.   If I were to bet the farm on which person would be more likely to inherit the kingdom of God, Mother Theresa ministering to the poor......or......a street preacher waving underwear to draw attention to Jesus........
If we look at Jesus cleansing the Temple, I didn't see much brotherly love being quietly expressed there.
DAVEH:  I'll be quite happy to leave Jesus to do his own house cleaning, as I think he prefers me to be a bit more forgiving than some TTers would chose.  IMHO, 7 times 70 is not a finite number, but rather an attitude to be adopted that extends well beyond 490 times.
Also, He called the Pharisees vipers and sons of the Devil. So, there must be a time when harsh rebuking is merited.
DAVEH:  I'll be happy to let Jesus be the our Master Judge and Rebuker.  For me, I've got enough beams in my eye to keep me busy removing while he does the heavy work.
However, I think that there are some preachers who may go overboard in their attempt to draw people from their stupor and into a legitimate discussion. Have you ever stopped to think that although their measures may seem desparate, their intentions are good, i.e., they want to tell people of the real Christ.
DAVEH:  Can good intentions ever compensate for stupid behavior?  How can they not see that dragging our Lord's name through the mud is detrimental to the message of the gospel?  Who benefits from waving underwear, Perry?  Do folks really convert because of such actions?  Or.....does it cause them to reel in horror?   That their initial target audience may now welcome such approaches, I'm not really concerned.  IMHO, the street preachers are doing more damage to their cause than to our cause by such behavior, so I would normally not be concerned about such acts of  obnoxiity (how's that for a new word!)  What troubles me is the image they are projecting of Jesus to the world who knows him not.  Do you think their weird actions are going to encourage non Christians to hear the gospel message?
The LDS do not experience (as far as I know) such debates within the organization because they have a council that decides these issues and presents them as LDS doctrine. This is very similar, if not the same, as the RCC structure...issues of doctrine are decided by the church, then the people are told how to believe.

DAVEH:  I don't think you've got that exactly right, but you are close enough that it works for the purpose of this discussion.  From my perspective, the Lord reveals his will to his servants, the prophets, and they pass his word down from there.   I don't see how that is much different from how the Lord communicated to many of his followers in Bible times.

Yes, with His chosen prophets, not appointed committes.
DAVEH:  As in the quorum of the apostles, who were chosen and ordained by him?
DAVEH:  As you carefully pointed out above when you described the unity you have with other TTers, our focus is on Christ, who died for our sins.  Isn't the rest just /fringe aspects/?

  WRT your comment that "most TTers think they are serving another Jesus than I do", we see it as "the LDS are serving another God and Jesus than Christians do"

As I said, a differnt Christ and exgtra-biblical fringe.
DAVEH:  Another thread is being discussed.....

There are a myriad of important things not told us by God

........that addresses this very matter.  IMHO, that extra-biblical fringe is extremely important and needs to be recognized as such.  If God has spoken to us outside the Bible, I don't think it is wise to assume only that which is found in the Bible is important.
. I have demonstrated in a previous post about how the LDS God and Jesus differ drastically fom the biblical God and Jesus, so there is no chance they are the same. To say they are the same is to close your eyes to the differences and PRETEND that the LDS God and Jesus are the same as the Biblical God and Jesus.

DAVEH:  I have previously stated that we believe Jesus was born, died, atoned for our sins and was resurrected.  Do you believe one has to believe more than that, Perry?

One has to have the right jesus, not a jesus that is the same in name only.
DAVEH:  Go ahead and tell me what is needed to believe about Jesus other than what I have stated above, Perry.  From what I've heard on TT, all other is just the fringe that doesn't matter.   What beliefs about Jesus do you think absolutely matters?
  It has been demonstrated that if there is a link between the American natives and the Hebrews, it is very weak (i.e., not strong enough to verify the cultures described in the BoM), there is no archeological evidence of ancient cities or cultures of the magnitude of those described in the BoM, the BoM can be shown to have come from a manuscript of a novel that predates it by several years, and Kevin has been diligent in presenting quote after quote after quote that demonstrates the contradictory and deceitful nature of the LDS, so as far as I am concerned Mormonism is a dead issue. Nothing more to debate on it.

DAVEH:  I guess you're playing your own game with this one, Perry.  I have not been arguing the above with anybody on TT.  Furthermore, I've avoided touting the BoM in TT.  That really isn't my purpose for being here.  I think there are some TTers who are intent in disparagingly presenting such material in an effort to (as Blaine says) set up straw men to knock them down.  If you enjoy such, be it.  But, I think you are making a big mistake if you assume that hearing a one sided discussion is sufficient for drawing conclusions.

I hardly think the discussion is one sided...Blaine has often made an excellent effort to whitewash the information that has been posted here. In my estimation, the material he presents does not often cover the discrepancies inthe LDS church.
DAVEH:  I don't follow Blaine's posts very closely.    But what I have seen, he has only had time to briefly touch on LDS theology.  Usually the responses to his posts are not ones that are really meant to discuss LDS theology, but rather intended to put a stop to a meaningful discussion.

    BTW......I'm leaving tomorrow for a couple weeks.  Headed your direction, but won't be close enough to stop by and visit.



Dave Hansen
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