No formal education whatsoever......................Triple Phd?Unable to read.........................Facility in numerous languages including Hebrew & Gree (oh, Arimaic for Mel's sake). Do we wish to feed the sometimes justifiable charicature of Christians? (How many Cns does it take to change a lightbulb? Make your own joke). I thank God for those who've taken the time, spent the money and laboured at great personal cost to understand the Nature of God and the Nature of God's Gospel. Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 30, 2004 19:29
Subject: [TruthTalk] knowing Truth

----- Forwarded Message -----
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: we can not KNOW Truth"
john: The truth is found in Christ  --  it is not general biblical knowledge. 
jt: Christ is the Word of God here is a picture of the resurrected Christ
"His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns
He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed
with a robe dipped in blood, and HIS NAME IS CALLED THE WORD OF
GOD" (Revelation 19:12)
Am I just lost in space here.   You have not dealt with I Co 8:1-3.  
That passage is talking about the teaching of many gods. 
jt: That passage speaks specifically to food offered to idols which apparently
happened at the meat markets in Corinth and it goes on to say that idols
or demons are nothing because there is just one God.
 The "knowledge" in that passage is doctrinal awareness.
jt: It's knowledge about meat offered to idols and dealing with a tender
conscience; it ties in with Romans 14:14.
Paul says that knowledge puffs up. So being in the "truth" MUST mean
something other than dogma.  
jt: Academia puffs up and that can be an idol. Walking in truth is a daily
necessity if we are to be obedient to Christ.
Get out your concordance and look up the scripture on "truth."  
Don't make fun of that process.  Solve the problem between "your" scripture
and this one in I Co 8.  
jt: Kevin must be in the scriptures constantly and to write the kind of posts
he sends to TT has got to be well versed in scriptures on truth. I don't make
fun of the process and I've not seen him making fun of anything to od with
What you do, Kevin, is ignore the opposing scripture.  That is how you salve
the problem. If you would lay each passage side by side,  and come up with
a solution that allows each passage to have real meaning.  
jt: Each scripture does have real meaning without having to be tortured,
rationalized, or reasoned out for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
I think your doctrine has blinded you John.  Did you know that doctrine
can be an idol?   judyt

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