Why cling to doctrines that will never conform you to godliness and/or
Why do you say that salvation by grace apart from works is a false
jt: Because the root of this belief system is Calvin's Institutes rather than
God's Word the definition of grace as unmerited favor is wrong. Also ppl
who ascribe to this way of thinking and believing usually define works and
obedience as one and the same which is also in error.
I  don't go out and live like  hell knowing that God will save me anyway. 
jt: We don't need to "go out and live like hell" We have hell within us
(see Mark 7:20-23) and this is what we need to be dealing with on a
daily basis before the Lord.
When James speaks wof justification by works, he has in mind something
very different than Paul's use of "works."    I believe that James knows
that faith comes first and works are anextention of that faith, proving it
(faith) to be alive and viable.   But salvation is secured at the point of
jt: I don't have a problem with James; he is saying that faith without
corresponding actions is dead which makes sense to me.   judyt  

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