My perception is that nobody can be saved with this attitude that
Mormons and many Protestants have.  Many of us here believe in
repentance from dead works.  This is a deep realization that we can do
NOTHING.  Only by a person realizing that all his efforts are vain and
dead can he put the kind of absolute trust in Christ that is necessary.
If a person thinks that he helps God, or that he does what he can and
God makes up the slack, then his faith and confidence is partly in
himself and partly in God.  That doesn't work.  God requires 100%
dependence upon him.  Those who have the attitude that they are helping
God in their salvation or even helping Him in their own sanctification,
they will experience frustration as the Spirit of God will withdraw his
power from those who place any confidence whatsoever in their own
ability.  On the other hand, those who stop trying and rely completely
upon Christ will experience a power and ability that would otherwise be
humanly impossible.  Only under this condition can the works of Christ
be manifest through us.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

As usual David, you said it better than I could.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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