Dave wrote:

Terry Clifton wrote:
Charles Perry Locke wrote:

Terry, do you believe that one who is saved can lose that salvation?


Wow! That seems like such a simple question, but it would take pages to give you a complete answer. Put simply, I do not believe that you can lose your salvation...................................but,................................... I believe that you can throw it away.
The Bible teaches that the same one who saved you is able to keep you, but it does not say that He will force you to stay against your will.  I offer as an example a pastor, who a few years back, resigned  as minister of his church.  The reason he gave was that he no longer believed what he had been preaching.  He was a believer, now he is not.  Had he died prior to making his decision to no longer believe, he would have gone to Heaven.  Now his future appears to be the lake of fire.  I think that this is rare compared to those who at one time claimed or are claiming to be Christians, only to show their true colors after being tested over time, but yes, it does happen, and when it does, I believe that that person is no longer saved.  God will not force anyone to spend eternity with Him.
Hope this answers your question at least to some degree.
DAVEH:  So Terry, do you think a saved Christian who converts to Mormonism has lost their salvation?

God's ways are beyond my understanding Dave.  Some places in the Bible make it look as though God will accept about anyone, no matter how screwed up their theology, as long as they have even a little faith.  Other places indicate that God is big on obedience, and you better do it His way or go to Hell.  Since there is no more important item on my list than spending eternity with my Lord (and avoiding Hell), I generally tend to go with the be obedient route. Why take chances?

 Paul told those who were calling themselves Christians, yet trying to gain favor with God by keeping the law , that they had "Fallen from Grace".  In my opinion, Mormons do the same thing with the same result.  Adding to the requirement for salvation says that Jesus alone is not enough. 

I would hope that the Lord sees you as confused but sincere, and allows you to spend eternity with Him, but I sure would not bet on it, as your whole system of belief contradicts much of God's word. 
No hard feelings, just the truth as I am able to see it.

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