In an earlier post I referred to words(language) as a blunt instrument. They(words) don't possess the level of exactitude that say, mathematics possesses. Pattern and its signification is useful. Hatred, when used of sin in the life of this believer (yikes! am I revealing too much?) seems a touch unrealistic. As you cannot picture in a picture how a picture pictures what it pictures so that which is certain is not true and that which is true is not certain. What you find in dictionary definitions are references to further definitions.Most truth is better felt than telt. Blessings, Lance
----- Original Message -----
Sent: April 10, 2004 14:27
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Christian Perfection

Judy Taylor wrote:
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I for one would appreciate comments & questions from all participants.
I firmly believe that the "heart of God" may be known on this matter. Lance
Based on what I read in the Bible, I believe that once a person has committed him/her self to follow Christ, sin will no longer be the PATTERN of their life.  If they are in Christ, they will hate sin as He does.  If they are filled with the Holy Spirit, they will have the ability to never sin again.  Still, hating sin and having the ability to live a perfect life does not guarantee a sinless life; as most of us can testify.  That is why we need a Savior.  If you hate sin and still screw up on occasion, you have an advocate to plead your case, and mercy and grace are available.  If sin is the pattern of your life, to me that is an indication that you are not right with your creator and you are very likely bound for Hell.

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