TPW, Do you believe that the "gods" that you emulate were ever real, or just
mythical? Do you believe that Jesus was real or mythical? Izzy

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arsene Lupin
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 11:09 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Interesting questions, Izzy.

Izzy: However, I hope you won't be too insulted if I tell you that I am just

a puzzled by believing in a religion that is obviously mythology (to me!) 
Perhaps you can explain to me what I am not understanding about why you take

Asatru seriously?

TPW: Insulted? Why? Just because your have a different opinion on a 
spiritual matter doesn't mean I will be offended.

As to answer your question, while Christianity is dependant on the belief of

the ressurection and a relationship with the "creator", Asatru doesn't 
really believe in "worshipping" their Gods but more on an emulation of their


We strongly encourage on taking human heroes as examples, not on placing 
them on pedestals but focus on what characteristics they have and what made 
them into what they are.

The problem with Astaru, Pagan and modern neo-pagan beliefs at large is that

people still cling to the holywood depictions seen in movies and the rants 
made by the odd so-called "experts" on the occult (Jack T. Chick is a prime 
example). There is much more to what is believed.

Most people think this mental image when they hear the word "Pagan", black 
robes, lunatics screaming to the sky under the moonlight and even (that one 
makes me laugh all the time) animal sacrifices and right about anything else

that comes out of a chick tract or the Malleus Malefecorum.
No the truth being told, like many other people we are sensitive, caring and

intelligent human beings.

In my case as an Asatru, I focus on alot on self-discipline and on working 
on my inner strenghts. in fact the whole point of the Eddas (Tales and 
odysses) work in some respects almost on how your parables work. They teach 
a valuable lesson. Our Havamal (the sayings of Har, you can read them at is much similar also in how your book of 
proverbs works.

Izzy: I must say that on TT, at least, you seem to behave much more like a 
gentleman than some do, for sure. Do you think this speaks to your better 
upbringing, or to your beliefs?

TPW: Good question. I would have to say that I was brought up to be galant 
and that Asatru ways compounded this galant behaviour. It puzzles me at 
times that some men who are told in their own bible that they are to care 
and cherish women as themselves that they would be intimidated in having 
women hold positions equal to their own to the point of trying to intimidate

women with reckless behaviour and behaviour unbecoming a gentleman and even 
less a Christian.


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