Izzy: Where did you come up with these Asatru beliefs? Sometimes I think you
are putting us on, and sometimes I think you are really serious.

TPW: I didn't "come up with them". And I am not putting anyone on. My roots lie in France, but mostly Normandie and Gascon, hence I do have a bit of Scandinavian blood and beliefs in me. These beliefs have been part of my family's background.

With time I felt to be more in touch with my roots by researching these beliefs. You may find this hard to believe, but think for a second that I have a hard time thinking that alot of people who have no roots in Israel and surrounding countries would adhere to a faith that sprang from there.

However, I can understand adopting a philosophy, a religion even. But some of the claims that many make to justify it can be downright outlandish or worse yet, go as far as to become caricatures of the people who actually are Jewish or just from these lands.

I may be Asatru, A Pagan if you will, But you won't see me going around like I was an extra from LOTR or better yet a member of the Adams family. I am still a sensible and sane Human being. In fact, I would be working alongside you for years and you wouldn't even know it!!


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