John S. wrote:
> I can go look them up ???!!!!   
> No place to look, is there David.  

I don't know why you would say that.  Hubert preached in all 50 states
and in 59 other countries.  He was arrested 100 times, including being
put in jail in Hong Kong, China, and outer Mongolia!  You should be able
to find lots of newspaper articles if you looked hard enough.  I know
that he spent 11 days in jail in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  He preached at
the University of California in Berkley around 1967-1969.  Elsman
mentioned that he was given some kind of award from Ronald Reagan.  I
don't understand why you are being so negative and critical.  There are
probably lots of places to look for information.  Jerry Rubin of the
Chicago 7 fame knew Hubert, and I think I remember a few years ago
reading something from Jerry Rubin about Hubert.  I think it might have
been his paper at UC Berkley that gave Hubert the nickname, "Holy
Hubert."  How many newspapers have you searched?  Which ones did you

To help you with his educational stuff, Hubert told me that he attended
the University of Wisconsin, Taylor University, and S. Baptist
Theological Seminary where he earned a Master's degree.  These schools
account for about 6 years of his higher education.  Hubert was ordained
in the Baptist denomination in 1934.  He studied under the Jewish Rabbi
after this time, but I never learned what his name was or where it was.
I think this is where he earned the doctorate, but I'm not sure about

John S. wrote:
> I am told to test the spirits to see 
> whether they are of God.    

That has nothing to do with declaring Hubert a fraud after reading some
sinners post their hatred for him on the Internet.  Hubert isn't here
ministering to you, so what is the big deal?  Why do you want to defame
a dead man?

John S. wrote:
> My desire to verify the extraordinary claims 
> of HH is certainly not out of line with scriptural 
> injunction.   

I don't have any problem with you verifying any extraordinary claims.
As I have said, go right ahead.  For some reason you are compelled to
malign Hubert as a fraud on flimsy evidence or on the lack of evidence
to the contrary!  Are you just trying to be spiteful toward Elsman?

John S. wrote:
> I would expect Billy Graham to reference him somewhere.   

I wouldn't expect that!  Billy Graham is a political man.  People who
commend one another stay as far away from guys like Hubert as much as
possible.  Hubert has no money or prestige to offer them.  He is like a
homeless guy, despised by the world.  Furthermore, they don't know when
he, under the anointing, is going to point his finger in their face and
tell them, REPENT SINNER!

Why don't you write Billy Graham a letter and ask him about Hubert
Lindsey?  We would all like to hear how he responds.

John S. wrote:
> I would think Mordecai Ham would mention his name.   

Why? You don't seem to understand the world system and the way most
ministries organize themselves.  

John S. wrote:
> I would expect to find some reference in Catholic 
> literature. His PhD  --  is it wrong for me to 
> question these claims? 

Not at all, but it is wrong for you to declare him a fraud when you have
not done your homework.

John S. wrote:
> (Keep in mind that I do not care where he earned the 
> PhD  -- just that he did as claimed.)  

Why?  What does it matter?  I agree with Hubert that too many people put
too much stock in education and diplomas.

John S. wrote:
> An evangelist who converted 40,000 to 70,000 Jews 
> should have a footnote somewhere in American 
> historical annuals, to say the least.   Thousands 
> of hippies? What street preacher has ever had such 
> success???   

Hubert always emphasized his lack of success, but he was amazed when
after not having a single convert for 3 years, preaching at UC Berkley,
and getting beat up about 150 times by Black Panthers, the Manson
family, etc., suddenly he was preaching via a communist owned microphone
on a communist owned car to thousands of hippies and witnessed the
greatest revival he had ever seen.  Does he have any earthly recognition
for his part in this?  Not much.  So what.  God himself knows what
happened, and God has some people like this in life, dedicated men who
get no recognition in this life, to inspire some of the rest of us about
how the last shall be first.  I have no doubt that Hubert has great
rewards in heaven and will have great recognition there.  From the
worldly media standards, nobody knows Hubert, but for those of us who
did know him, we feel greatly blessed and honored.  

Just think of Hubert as a homeless bum who doesn't deserve any
attention.  Hubert would like it that way.  But please do not call him a
fraud based upon a few nights of searching the internet and reading the
reports of the wicked. 

John S. wrote:
> The historical record does not omit someone who 
> was quietly successful at such a level of 
> accomplishment.  

Yes it does, John.  Others take credit.  I have seen this happen time
and time again in my life.  If there are two or three men involved in
something, and one man is unassuming and meek and sits back, somebody
else will get the credit for everything.

John S. wrote:
> Why is it that he is the only HIGHLY successful 
> street preacher without historical footnote?   

He's not.  Please quote for me all the historical information about
Thaddeus, who was one of Christ's 12 apostles.  His name is in the
foundation of the New Jerusalem.  

Furthermore, I don't know anybody who is saying that Hubert was HIGHLY
successful.  He touched the lives of some of us.  That's all.

John S. wrote:
> And why am I the bad guy for putting these 
> questions to you expecting  a real answer?  

You are not the bad guy for putting forth questions.  You are the bad
guy for calling him a fraud without ever having met him and with very
limited research, giving your ear to the wicked and unsaved men who have
maligned him.  Do you want to apologize for doing that?  

John S. wrote:
> Here we go with that circular logic of yours.   
> In this paragraph you tell me to "check out" 
> what I read.  In the former paragraph, you 
> reducible that very process (That would be 
> like looking up third party support for Jesus  
> .....")

Did you mean to use the word "ridicule" instead of reducible?  That
sentence was not ridicule.  I was trying to draw your attention to a
parallel.  Many have questioned the existence of Jesus because of the
lack of third party mention of him.  They ignore the fact that those who
knew him were transformed by him.  Therefore, we should not be surprised
that the most reliable accounts about Jesus are from those who became
his disciples.  

All I was trying to say is that I don't have answers for you because I
don't spend a lot of time researching someone who was in my life at one
time and now is not.  I was trying to explain why I don't have the
answers you are looking for.  I was not trying to ridicule you, nor
discourage you from checking Hubert out.  The only thing you did that I
find offensive is that you called Hubert a fraud based upon the report
of the wicked.

John S. wrote:
> David, something is wrong with this HH mythology.   
> Maybe nothing wrong with the man but the myth seems 
> to be something very different.   

What mythology are you talking about?  Are you listening to the
mythology of the wicked?  Look at who gives you this mythology.  

Preachers are the targets of all kinds of mythology.  If you listened to
the reports of others concerning what I have preached and taught and
what I have done, you would be very convinced that I was a child of the
devil.  I am shocked at the reports that come back about me.  If that
happens to me, how much more to someone like Hubert.  Judge Hubert on
what Hubert says, not on what others say about him.

John S. wrote:
> Who are his disciples?   

I don't think Hubert had any disciples.  He was not a pastor or
shepherd.  Not all apostles have the gift of pastoring.

John S. wrote:
> Elsman and those who are influenced by him  
> --  who else?    

I don't think that even Elsman would say that he is Hubert's disciple.
I'm certainly not, but I would have been honored to have been able to
have been a disciple of his.  The Lord did not seem fit to allow that to

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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