David said:
Isn't this exactly what both the angels of God and Jesus himself
instructed women to do in passages like Mat. 28?  Clearly in this place,
Jesus was NOT telling the women to be silent, but rather to go speak to
men about his resurrection, and to instruct them about where to go and
meet together, awaiting to see Christ themselves.

Daniel  responds:
The last  few verses of  Matthew 28 are given to the 11  disciples -- ALL MALE.  
Females are not sent to do this -- MALES ARE.  Females  can aid,  support and inspire  

Glad there were no females  amongst those  11 apotles -- David  Miller would  make  a 
lousy  YahShua.   Miller  would probably have selected a woman to  be one of the 11.  
Scary  thought.

David said:
"And go quickly, and TELL his disciples that he is risen from the dead;
and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him:
lo, I have told you. And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with
fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. And as they
went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail.
And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said
Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into
Galilee, and there shall they see me."  (Matthew 28:7-10 KJV)

Daniel responds:

If females want to announce to other men at  a certain time (2000 years ago) that 
Jesus rose from the dead -- fine.   Big difference between  that and TEACHING DOCTRINE 

David said:

Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where
Jesus had appointed them. (Matthew 28:16 KJV)

How did Jesus appoint them this place?  Through the women, as mentioned
in Mat. 28 above. 

Daniel responds:

Fine, females can give directions.  THAT IS NOT TEACHING DOCTRINE, hypocrite.

David said:

"They" means both Aquilla AND Priscilla.  It was not just Aquilla
expounding the word of God more fully unto Apollos.  It was THEY.  This
means that PRISCILLA was expounding the Word of God to Apollos.  

Daniel  responds:

No  --  Priscilla was not expounding  the Word of God because that would violate  I 
Timothy 2.  THEY were expounding and the only way  to reconcile this with I Timothy 2 
is to understand that Priscilla and Aquilla are ONE FLESH and thus Aquilla  did the 
expounding while Priscilla aided and inspired her husband.  Very simple,  David, if 
you'd just  let go of your rebel, feminist loving  heart.

David  said:

Just for the record, I have often heard of you and your preaching.
People have reported to me about your preaching, where you go, what you
say, etc.  Never have I ever heard anyone mention Daniel and Annika.
This is the first time I have ever heard about your wife preaching with

Daniel responds:

Ah,  gestapo  are ya?  Keeping wacth on me, eh?  People reporting to you my location, 
eh?  Hmmmm . . . have you bugged my room, too? lol.

I have heard  people ask  me  at PSU many a time, "hey, when are you and your wife 
coming  back?"  or "Hey,  Daniel,  where is your wife?"    So, Miller,  just because 
you have not heard it doesn't really  matter.   I know this is hard for you to accept 
-- but you are not the center of the universe. YHVH is.  And the Torah is even  above 

In YahShua and by His Torah,
Daniel John Lee

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