David Miller wrote:
>> Isn't this exactly what both the angels of God and 
>> Jesus himself instructed women to do in passages 
>> like Mat. 28?  

Daniel  responds:
> The last  few verses of  Matthew 28 are given to the 
> 11  disciples -- ALL MALE.  

I was not talking about the last few verses.  I was talking about verses
7-10, which were the verses that I quoted.

Certainly the 11 apostles were all male, but mentioning only the eleven
does not mean that only the eleven were there.  Acts 1 clearly tells us
that women and other men continued with the eleven in prayer and
supplication during this time.

Daniel wrote:
> Females are not sent to do this -- MALES ARE.  
> Females  can aid, support and inspire  -- BUT 

Did not the Lord send the sister of Moses, Miriam?  Was she not one of
three mentioned by the prophet Micah?

For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of
the house of servants; and I SENT BEFORE THEE Moses, Aaron, and MIRIAM.
(Micah 6:4 KJV)

Daniel wrote:
> Glad there were no females  amongst those  11 
> apostles -- David Miller would  make a lousy  
> YahShua.   

If you knew the language, you would know that it was Yeshua, not
Yahshua.  In any case, men should be the ones to rule.  The problem here
is that you recognize that but then use it to oppress women.  Yah will
judge you for that. 

Men need to learn to lay down their lives when they rule over women.
They should lay down in the mud puddles, even give their lives for the
women.  That's what Jesus did for us.  Men should rule by serving.  This
is what Jesus taught.

Daniel wrote:
> Miller  would probably have selected a woman 
> to  be one of the 11.  Scary  thought.

No.  Wrong guess.  The twelve have a special place of government
(rulership) entrusted to them.  They should all be men.

David wrote:
>> "And go quickly, and TELL his disciples that he is 
>> risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before 
>> you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I 
>> have told you. And they departed quickly from the 
>> sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run 
>> to bring his disciples word. And as they went 
>> to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, 
>> saying, All hail. And they came and held him by 
>> the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus 
>> unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren 
>> that they go into Galilee, and there shall they 
>> see me."  (Matthew 28:7-10 KJV)

Daniel wrote:
> If females want to announce to other men at a certain 
> time (2000 years ago) that Jesus rose from the dead 
> -- fine.   Big difference between  that and TEACHING 

Now you are backpedaling.  I previously asked you the following:

David Miller wrote:
>> If a group of women were to instruct men of God 
>> about the resurrection of Christ and instruct 
>> them on where they should travel and hold meetings, 
>> would that be considered "teaching" by you, teaching 
>> that would be forbidden by Jesus?

Then you responded with:

Daniel wrote:
> Yes that would be teaching and yes, females would 
> not be allowed to do such a thing per I Timothy 2.

Jesus instructed women to witness to others about his resurrection, and
he instructed these women to tell the men to travel more than a day's
journey to a specific location where he would meet with them.  First you
tell me that this would be violating 1 Timothy 2.  Now you tell me that
Judy does something different.  Stay with the subject and leave Judy out
of it.  The point here is that you condemned Jesus and these angels by
saying that what they did was not permitted by 1 Timothy 2.  Your
perspective is that they should not have told these women to do what
they did.  Your understanding is faulty here.  

David wrote:
>> Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, 
>> into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 
>> (Matthew 28:16 KJV)
>> How did Jesus appoint them this place?  Through 
>> the women, as mentioned in Mat. 28 above.

Daniel wrote:
> Fine, females can give directions. THAT IS NOT 

You keep changing your definition every time you are shown to be wrong.
I have asked you several times to define your terms, but you have not
done so.  You will never become honest or correctable if you do not nail
down your terms and stick with them.  Nobody can ever show you that you
are wrong either.  You should desire for people to show you to be wrong,
because that is how you will grow in knowledge.

David wrote:
>> "They" means both Aquilla AND Priscilla.  It 
>> was not just Aquilla expounding the word of God 
>> more fully unto Apollos.  It was THEY.  This means 
>> that PRISCILLA was expounding the Word of God 
>> to Apollos.

Daniel wrote:
> No  --  Priscilla was not expounding the Word 
> of God because that would violate I Timothy 2.  

You are doing what in logic is called a tautology.  You are begging the
question.  Your interpretation is that 1 Timothy 2 forbids Priscilla to
expound the Word of God, so therefore you reason that she could not be
doing this here.  The fact is that Priscilla DID EXPOUND THE WORD OF
GOD, because that is what Scripture says.

And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and
Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the
way of God more perfectly. (Acts 18:26 KJV)

Daniel wrote:
> ... THEY were expounding and the only way 
> to reconcile this with I Timothy 2 is to understand 
> that Priscilla and Aquilla are ONE FLESH and thus 
> Aquilla did the expounding while Priscilla aided 
> and inspired her husband.  

There is another way to understand this, and that is that women MAY
EXPOUND upon the Scriptures, as the Scriptures themselves say in Titus
2:3, "that they be ... teachers of good things."  Priscilla shared in
submission to her husband, who was her head, along with her husband.

Daniel wrote:
> Very simple, David, if you'd just let go 
> of your rebel, feminist loving heart.

I am not a feminist, as many on this forum can attest.  I am usually on
the other side of this debate, explaining how men and women are not
equal, and how men need to fulfill their function as head.  The problem
is that men like you make combating feminism very difficult.  

David  said:
> I have heard  people ask  me  at PSU many a time, 
> "hey, when are you and your wife coming  back?"  
> or "Hey, Daniel, where is your wife?"  

Have you heard them say, "let us hear Annika share the Word," or "when
are you and Annika going to expound upon the Scriptures for us?"  Your
comparisons and answers always change the foundational questions.  The
point is that the Scriptures say that Priscilla and Aquilla expounded
the way of God more perfectly, and I believe the Bible means that.  You
are always taking words out of the Bible or adding words to the Bible in
order to make it teach what you want it to teach.  Let the Bible teach
you.  Let it speak to you without preconceived notions and doctrines so
that you will not be carried away with every wind of doctrine like an
unstable soul.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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