Hi Terry, you write:
For what it's worth guys, you both have valid points.  There was no sickness until there was sin.  Put another way, sickness entered the picture because sin entered the picture.  Sickness is plainly one of the penalties for sin.  Having siad that, let me point out that not all sick people are sick because they are being punished for their sin.  Some are.  Some ain't.  The man or woman with AIDS quite possibly got it in the process of sinning, but the baby born with aids got it because a parent sinned.. 
jt: Would you agree that it is sin related, either our sin or someone elses?  Proverbs 26:5 says "the curse causeless does not light" so when we see someone dressed in the curse there is always a cause or reason why it is there. 
Miriam was stricken with leprosy  for one reason.  The blind man in John 9:3 was born blind for a totally different reason, so that God could be glorified when he was healed. 
jt: There was a reason why he was born blind, could have been ancestral sin. Jesus didn't answer that question, he told them it wasn't the man's sin or his parents but as you point out he needed to work the works of God while it was day (if I remember correctly). 
Drunks destroy their liver through continual sin, but a lot of godly people get catarracts through no fault of their own.  I am certain that Judy did not mean to imply that Jonathan was ill because of his sin, but because all illness came into being because we are all sinners, or in David Millers case, WERE sinners :-) .
jt: Jonathan has said that he has CFS which is a spiritually rooted disease; it is called  "yuppie disease" or a white collar disease. It usually hits professionals at the heighth of their careers after they have achieved what they were supposed to achieve to meet the expectations of others, they crash.  As they crash the guilt, the self hatred comes, the autoimmune components set in, and then we have the hypoglycemia which clouds the whole issue so we are chasing this imaginary problem. (taken from P.169 of a book called The More Excellent Way by Pastor Henry Wright) who has more to say about this and who has had amazing results in ministry with people who have CFS, MCSCI and other spiritually rooted conditions.
He is not into presumption or anything weird.  The issue is one of sanctification and is completely scriptural.

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 20:02:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Mediation of Christ  -- the real vs false
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy Taylor wrote:
From: "Jonathan Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy has made many comments on the link between sin and illness.  I believe her viewpoint to be completely unbiblical and extremely hurtful to those that live with illness regardless of the severity. 
jt: I agree Jonathan that sickness is hurtful and so is sin - it is hurtful to us and everyone around us. Judy is not the one making that connection Jonathan.  Believe it or not it is Biblical. There would be no sickness but for sin and God Himself outlines the blessings that come from obedience and the curses that come through disobedience (which are every sickness and plague that can be named) in Deuteronomy 28 and Deuteronomy 29. Just because noone wants to accept this or talk about it today does not make it invalid.
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For what it's worth guys, you both have valid points.  There was no sickness until there was sin.  Put another way, sickness entered the picture because sin entered the picture.  Sickness is plainly one of the penalties for sin.  Having siad that, let me point out that not all sick people are sick because they are being punished for their sin.  Some are.  Some ain't.  The man or woman with AIDS quite possibly got it in the process of sinning, but the baby born with aids got it because a parent sinned..  Miriam was stricken with leprosy  for one reason.  The blind man in John 9:3 was born blind for a totally different reason, so that God could be glorified when he was healed.  Drunks destroy their liver through continual sin, but a lot of godly people get catarracts through no fault of their own.  I am certain that Judy did not mean to imply that Jonathan was ill because of his sin, but because all illness came into being because we are all sinners, or in David Millers case, WERE sinners :-) .

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