Judyt: You just 'read' me so comprehensively that I'm without retort. Do you every go back, read your own posts then, chuckle??
  You and DavidM have an heir of 'pontification' 'bout you. It can be difficult to take you seriously. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 15, 2004 10:11
Subject: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] President George Bush

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judyt:Next time you're choosing a doctor, dentist, carpenter...employ the same standard.
The above are temporal professions Lance even lthough Jesus was a carpenter in his youth.
A President is also in a temporal and temporary position but one important enough that the man
who leads by example as a public servant should be a man of honor and moral stature.
God does not, in my opinion, override incompetence.
God has a different standard from yours Lance because He knows the end from the beginning
and while man looks at the outward appearance [......]
God chose the imperfect Abraham (even though as someone pointed out he had inherited
a lying spirit which came up when he was in a tight spot and which can be traced for four more
generations after him); but God said "I know him that he will command his children and his
household after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment that
the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him" (Genesis 18:19) 
Hmmm at least not in the case of some on TT. In my opinion you do on occasion employ
Scripture well. Sometimes you just downright mangle 'em.
Incompetence and mangling in your eyesight Lance may be completely different in the eyesight
of God.who is not a follower of Calvin/TFT, who is not a respecter of any man's person, and who
most definitely does not have a liberal mindset.
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'd take an immoral John Kennedy over a moral George Bush any day.
Say no more Lance - A man's morality determines his theology .... You have
given the answer to something I was pondering.
Pick a profession, any profession at all (I've removed the jokers). Got it?
Don't let me see it. Now let me tell you that whatever it is simply being a
'believer' doesn't intrinsically make you better at it. Anyone disagree?
To be a Head of State takes honor, moral character, and a certain stability that
is rooted in moral decency.  The true John Kennedy was not revealed until
after his death and today it appears that he spent much of his time in office
trying to hide his real priority.  Promiscuity is a Kennedy family curse and Camelot
was fantasy.  Bill Clinton lived like his hero Kennedy during his 8yrs in office and
because of this parents were forced to explain oral sex to grade school children
and BC was publicly exposed as a liar and perjurer.  What a shocking example for
young Americans many of whom dream of being President "when they grow up."
I'll take George W. and Laura any day, they represent decency.

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Lance wrote:
> > The word 'stupid' was a poor choice (a very poor choice).
> Thank you for that admission.  I guess this is as close to saying that
> you were wrong to call Bush stupid as we might hope for.
> Lance wrote:
> > I do think that one can take the 'measure' of
> > a person through their public performance.
> I agree, but we should not confuse hours of television interviews with
> public performance, right?  Some look good in front of the camera but
> perform poorly off the camera.  Some write well while others are more
> articulate orally.  Some cannot write or speak, but perform well in
> administrative responsibilities.  There are many ways in which a person
> can be measured, and television interviews is only one measurement.
> What did Bush say or do in his television interviews that gave you a
> poor assessment of his intellectual abilities?
> Lance wrote:
> > The 'Iraq choice' was, in my judgement, a blunder
> > of the first order.
> Why do you think so?  I cannot find one problem with the decision.  I
> have always supported this move and still do.  I believe it was a very
> significant move toward world peace, although true peace will not be
> achieved until everyone in the world believes in Jesus Christ.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> ----------
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