Your analysis below is an ad hominem attack; you don't know me nor do you understand a thing I have said in the right context so how are you qualified to evaluate the condition of my heart before God?  Read my post again and show me where I said Jenna (or our son-in-law) had "deep rooted" bitterness.  You need to stop listening to the accuser and pray about some of these things before shooting from the hip.
From: "Jonathan Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
What disgusts me is your post below.  To even imply or insinuate that the leukemia of this poor little girl is a result of some sin in your son-in-law is absolutely baseless.  You might as well put a bullet through his head.  Don’t you think he is going through enough right now?  Don’t you know that he would give his very life to heal his daughter?  How blind can you be to the horrors of your teaching?  A 4 year old child has deep rooted bitterness?  I thought that “Jenna is a sweet and loving child who ppl are drawn to because of her personality.”  You are sick.  I accept that my posts may not be the vehicle God will use to help you to see your errors.  You have never accepted rebuke from anyone on TT; your heart is hard.  Regardless of your wacked theology, God in His mercy will never leave you or forsake you.  May He soften your heart and allow you to see His truth.  May He help me love you, to submit my anger at your teachings to Him.  And most importantly, may He shower Jenna with all the blessings in Christ Jesus.


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