From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jt:Check Heb 2:16-18.
jt: Jesus partook of human flesh without partaking of the effect of Adam's blood.  Heb 2:14 says "forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same....."
In this verse the "children" that is, the human children are said to be partakers of flesh and blood, and then speaking of Jesus, this verse says that He himself likewise took part of the same.  The word "took part" as applying to Christ is an entirely different word from "partakers" as applied to the children.  The word translated "took part" implies "taking part in something outside one's self"  The Greek word for parkakers is KOYNOHENO and means to "share fully" so that all of Adam's children share fully in Adam's flesh and blood.
When we read that JESUS "took part of the same" the word is METECHO which means "to take part but not all" The children take both flesh and blood of Adam but Christ took only part, that is, the flesh part, whereas the blood was the result of supernatural conception....
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Second Adam = Assumption of first Adam's nature
jt: Where in all of scripture is the basis for the above presumption? He took upon Himself the "form" of man
which is a body. He became flesh and blood like us, experienced the weariness and other limitations of flesh.
then redeeming it through 'spirit-empowered' obedience
(i.e.fulfilment of the Abrahamic Covenant 'the unassumed is unhealed')
jt: The very fact of his birth is fulfilment of the Abrahamic Covenant which was a covenant of promise. He is
that promise.  Lots of sickness in the world as well as the professing Church, not many apparently are assumed. 
This has been referred to as the 'double movement of God' God to man(kind) & man(kind) to God (both by God) 
Whose words are these?  Chapter?  Verse?
In a message dated 8/19/2004 8:00:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
First Adam = fallen flesh
Second Adam = Lifegiving Spirit

Apparently one redundancy deserves another. 


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