His blood was spilled in the process of His redeeming life, death, descent, resurrection and, ascent. I know that 'scope' is tough for you Limbaughites.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: August 21, 2004 14:35
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Romans 2:12-16

Lance has illustrated for us the Kruger gospel: Christ not necessarily necessary. John and Lance: Do we or do we not need the Blood of Christ for the remission of sin? (Regardless of whether we have/have not heard, or where we live?) Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 5:40 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Romans 2:12-16


Take a look at the gospel(s) being preached:narcissistic, health & wealth, individualistic, deistic (founding fathers), gnostic/dualistic, biblicist/fundamentalist (read angry), religious, tradition-bound, non-open structured (static), -anyone want to add to the list????


The element of surprise (who is present and who is absent) is underplayed.Some persons (today) have a living relationship with the Living God who do not (I repeat NOT) name the name of Christ as some of the above-named gospels would call for. Some come to this in in ways unknown to me or to you all over the world over all time.  

----- Original Message -----

From: Judy Taylor

Sent: August 21, 2004 06:49

Subject: [TruthTalk] Romans 2:12-16


John writes:

I am guessing that you believe that I am not studied in scripture or you would not think that I am giving an interpretation that conflicts with scripture.  I noticed that you did not give any references but, oh well.  


jt: I didn't post references but they are there.  Understanding the fall of man and why God instituted the Mosaic Law to begin with is a good start and from there to New Creation realities.  What being born again means and the outworking in a person's life ie walking after the Spirit rather than fulfilling the lusts of the flesh.


As far as "another way?"   This Gentile has not HEARD the Word of the New Law.   


jt: What New Law?  There is no "new Law"  What is new is the Covenant or Testament.  It was with Moses and included the ritual or Levitical Law.

It is now through Christ and through Him we are to walk after the Spirit and fulfill the "royal law" - Same law.  Love fulfills it.


So, of course, repentance and confession and conviction are out but is he necessarily lost? 


jt: Yes. There are not two gospels.  One for this felow (and 3rd world countries) and another for those of us who live in the USA.


Not according to Paul in v 15-16.   And how is he saved  -- through Jesus Christ.   So NOTHING IS DIFFERENT except that he is not a hearer, only a doer.  Why you reject this biblical teaching is beyond me. 


jt: Yours is not a biblical teaching John.  To teach that someone can be saved through Christ apart from conviction, confession, and repentance is to walk in massive denial... (even to the point of negating the ministry of John the Baptist who came to "prepare the way of the Lord" exhorting people to repent and telling them that if they did not the axe would be laid to the root of the tree (them).  Noone gets to carry all their carnal mess into Christ. Not even the gentile in V.15-16.and to go on and claim that this man fulfilled God's Law while still in his sin even more preposterous.



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