In a message dated 10/20/2004 11:54:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

john: Take a pill, Jeff.   You think God is a little guy with curlly black hair who speaks Yiddish and pinches pennies?   My God is not the Jewish God.   He is the God of all mankind.   You want to observe one day over another  - fine; just don't bind that belief on others.  John

Judyt: Your response validates everything written by Jeff above John - sigh!!  Why the animosity?  Where's the love?

I noticed that you did not copy Jeff's post over into your reply?   Could it be that he was screaming so loudly in print that you did not want to include it?   Maybe you should go back and read his post.   But more than that  -- there is no animosity at all in what I said.  I should know since I am the author of that post.   That God is not Jewish is a point that I remain confident in.   That He was the God of the Jew is certainly true.   But He cared and provided for all of mankind.   He  -  today  -- is no more or less the God of the Jews than He is the God you and I.    He does not belong to Jeff and Slade in ways that different or unique to His supervision of my life or yours.    Jeff and Slade do not have any more knowledge of the Indwelling than I or your or whoever.   That was and is my point.   Surely there is no disagreement on this point !!!!   ????


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