Lance writes:
Together we shall attempt to hear so as to see whether God has anything to teach us from one another.
May I say in closing that, on those occasions when I've denigrated another's beliefs here in our store
that protracted conversations were rarely had.
jt: I understand this Lance because today professing Christendom is a hodge podge of different
doctrines and beliefs.  However, what is the point of having protracted conversations when you
are not able to be honest and up front about where you are at; also how is this different from the
world out there where people will be all sweet and say one thing to your face all the while thinking
something else in their heart?
I'd much rather deal with someone like Terry even if he does use interesting terminology at
times.  Our 2yr old grandson is here today so I am hearing 'poo poo' a lot  - Terry's version
is more for polite company :)   judyt

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