In a message dated 11/19/2004 2:58:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My wife called me yesterday on my way to school and told me about this exchange (with the "S" word). She was rolling on the floor, so to speak.
I was afraid I would return this morning to the disappearance/banning/crucifixion of Jonathan Hughes. Jonathan... you're still here, right?
I do not believe swear words are a matter of holiness (I have the same view of cigarettes smoking as well). I also do not see the very occasional use of swear words as an issue of rebuke or spanking from the moderator... especially when I can understand what preempted the post.
I hope you all read Jonathan's post and I hope it sank in. He has some real concerns regarding TruthTalk and this is why it has the nicknames TrashTalk and TwistTruth. When Scripture warns us to guard our tongues, I do not believe the passage specifically refers to the use of expletives; I think the passage specifically speak about the use of the tongue to tear down and destroy... exactly what Jonathan is complaining of. Let me quote Jonathan (who, in my opinion, gives three examples of unclean speech)...

shallow, sarcastic replies designed to tear others down
logic bullying tactics
compares other people's [posts] as dogs**t and myth Our loved Bill Taylor spoke wisdom in his return address and what he said is true. We need to be building THE kingdom, not using the wreckage to construct our own.
-- slade (dare I say... as moderator?)

This will not be the last time we (yes, even the humblest of this list  --  that would be ME) will benefit from such a presentation.   Passionate people say things dispassonately,  at times.   One of the things I enjoy about this list is the fact that for most, such worded cautions are accepted and change (for a time occurs).   I am here on this list to excchange thinking with BRETHREN or, at least, those for whom I hold a measure of respect.  

Thanks Slade and Jonathan.

John the Beloved

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