Jeff wrote:
... as I said before, it allows one to make any passage
of Scripture say what ever is in that persons personal

David Miller wrote:
You are doing the very thing you warn against. ...

Jeff wrote:
In this instance, NO. I pulled verses from throughout the letter
to the Romans, showing you that Sha'ul did not reject Torah!

Exactly my point. I have stated MANY times that I understand and agree with you that Sha'ul did not reject Torah. You constantly read this misunderstanding into my posts.

Your personal agenda is that Sha'ul did not reject Torah, so you cut and paste passages to prove this. You never answer my direct, simple question to you about one or two verses in the early part of Romans 7. Are we going to keep wrangling about our agreements, or can we discuss this one little area where we seem to have a difference in understanding? My concern here is whether we are being honest with all the words of the text, or whether we twist what is said to fit our personal agenda.

Jeff wrote:
Your posts have clearly shown me that you DO NOT
know the context of this.

How? From my perspective, we both seem to agree exactly on the context.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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