DAVE... Perspective certainly does play a role in answering any question,
but when I give you the freedom to answer from your own perspective, it
should be easy enough for you and others to consider the question and answer
it based upon your best judgment.  Your answer can be short or it can be
long.  Of course, if you are afraid of having to defend a particular
position or would rather not be known to view it in such a way, then you
might dodge the question and argue that it was a bad question anyway.

SLADE... The question was faulty because Avraham's participation was not
defined. The question is too open ended and creates a lose-lose situation
just like the question about beating your wife.
     In other words, the question should have been one of the two following
(or something similar)
     (1) did Avraham have a participation in the construction of the
     (2) Was he a participant in the particulars of the agreement (i.e., was
there something for Avraham to do once the covenant was cut)?
     The answers from slade's perspective is (1) NO. (2) YES.

-- slade

P.S. Which four books did you purchase?

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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