In a message dated 11/24/2004 7:01:07 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I do not bring a charge against John.  I only mean to express to him in a
clear way how blasphemous his words sound to me.  I believe that there
exists the possibility that what John said MIGHT be true, but I consider it
HIGHLY unlikely.

If there is the possibility that I am right, how could you even think that I am being blashphemous.   at this point, you are trying to have it both  --   excape the questioning of Lance while condemning John   --    make not mistake, the accuation of blashphemy is "a charge against John."   It cannot be understood any other way.  

I suppose I would not have reacted so strongly, except

this came on the heels of his statement about David's arrogance.

How many hundreds of email have passed since we discussed Ps 7 verse Ps. 51?
How many differing threads?    "On the heals"  is David speak for "I just wanted to do it."

It just

seems to me that John is much too free to condemn these mighty men of God.
I tremble for John.  I would not want to be in his shoes on judgment day

Too bad  --  in the grace of God, I am a shoe-in for salvation.

because I know that God stands up for and defends men who have been faithful
to him.  If God was going to slay Abimelech for taking Sarah in the
integrity of his heart, how much more angry do you suppose God would be
toward those who would accuse Abraham as being willing to have men of power
sleep with his wife in order to protect himself.

You speak as if I missrepresented the motives of Abraham.   Try reading Gen 20:11.

Our words are important

and powerful and we will be judged for them.  If we condemn someone, we had
better be right. 

Think about Daved.   Praticing what you preach?  

Generally speaking, it is a good idea not to condemn

others because we are in such a need of mercy ourselves.

Did David just say that we are ALL sinners?   Gee whiz  --  I think we are in full agreement. 

We also should

consider whether or not we search out the weaknesses of righteous men in
order to justify our own selves.

But since we all have weaknesses, what harm is there is observing God's ultimate approval of one who similar to us in terms of faith and conduct?

That would not be a good motive.  I have

heard many preachers spend hours speaking about the sin of some great man,
and for what cause?  So that they can say, "look, he is a sinner just like
me, so we are alike and God likes me just like he likes that man, in spite
of my sin."  Such thinking does not work the righteousness of God

Such thinking is the only  rational alternative for those of us who are aware that our efforts will never count for much in the Grand Resue God has provided. 

I am not speaking for the Lord on this, but only speaking from my own
judgment as I have liberty in Christ to do.  I relate to Abraham very much
and think I have an understanding of what happened with him. 

John Smithson spoke authoritatively,

I have often wondered why I get myself into such situations.  I have been exluded on a number of occasions.   Rather distressing  (such a futre may await at least one other on this list  --  he knows of whom I speak).  If this were not a list on the web  --  I would probably be fighting for my social life right now.   I do not think I speak anymore "authoritatively" than any number of folk on this list.   But in view of Gen 20:11, I can speak with confidence about Abrahams motives in this case. 

saying that Abraham was willing to have his wife
sleep with men of power in order to protect himself.  Unbelievable. 

Here , you are clearly denying Gen 20:11.   Why, I do not know.   Perhaps in your zeal to criticize, you have forgotten to read the text. 

sure the Lord God Almighty will "play the tape" so-to-speak,

Yes, indeed.   I have that tape, bound in between the two rather worn bindings of my NASV  --  a companion of over thrity years, now. 

and show John
what Abraham was doing when men were trying to take his wife away from him.
John will be embarassed and have to apologize profusely to Abraham.

This will be my penance?  

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