Jonathan Hughes wrote:

The term Father as applied to God that we are referring to is the classical
definition of the Trinity as Father, Son, and Spirit.  This is not the
Father you are referring to. I believe you are thinking that God must have
created offspring to be a Father.  Jesus Christ and the Spirit were not
created; they are eternally begotten.  That Father is eternally the Father
of the Son.

No one is arguing that creation always existed.  That is another heresy that
Athanasius put dealt with.

Once again, when we speak of the Triune God we are speaking of one God who
has revealed Himself in three Persons.  He is who He is eternally.  The
fatherhood you are referencing below has nothing to do with who God is;
rather, you are talking about a role.  God is who He is before the creation
of the cosmos.

I am continually astounded that those who have been termed 'liberals' on
this forum are the only ones who hold to orthodox Christianity, that which
the church catholic has decreed for millennia.  The more we discuss the more
we see how the 'non-liberals' spurn the faith of apostles.  From a doctrinal
standpoint you guys are really out there.



You were doing well there for a short time Jonathan.  Try not to lose it.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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