(Sorry Iz, I cannot support him on this one, either....:)

You never file any claim, (tort claim or otherwise) with a dollar amount in it. You ALWAYS let the jury decide. Juries tend to award the big bucks.....Kay


PS I forgot to mention, juries don’t even usually get to the point of making a judgment.  Most medical malpractice suits are settled out of court to avoid the soaring costs.  The lawyers for the “injured” patients know this, and their whole strategy is just to get an out of court settlement—it’s almost guaranteed.  All you have to do is file a ridiculous claim and you’ll get several thousand dollars for it as a buy-out by the medical lawyers to avoid having to go through the whole trial.  It’s such a scam!  I was on a jury this past spring that had this exact thing happen.  It all adds up to impossible legal fees for no valid reason, and it harms you and me because we are losing medical care everywhere. It costs millions of dollars/year (from insurance and the gov’t, which we also pay) because doctors must order all kinds of tests as a defense in case there is a claim against them for some reason—it’s called defensive medicine.  This is why insurance costs are going through the roof.  Do you like paying exorbitant insurance rates??? (I don’t!) Izzy


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