In a message dated 1/16/2005 7:20:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My thinking exactly...which is why I ask Dave H. what he believes...not what
others claim he believes. Why is that others know his beliefs more than he

This is an excellent point.  there are those who assume, even want to believe,  that dissenters represent some larger heresy while pretending great insult when they are accused of the same thing.   The fact, as I have seen it expressed on TT,  is that each participant is much more complicated than that  --  that his/her views are uniquely personal.  The issue is not the degree of separation among stated beliefs --  it is the disdain several have for the dissenting view.   That is as ungodly a view as any expressed on this forum.   John 17, as each of us knows,  contains the "real" Lord's prayer.   In it, he includes the modern day disciple in only one concern  --   that they may be one as we are one.    Those who seek to divide and conquer immediately define "unity" in their terms,  demanding a conceptual similarity that defies logic and, forever, prevents unity.  

The illustration of family unity is laughed at and made fun of   -----   emphatically denied by a few.   No family is united conceptually  --  all speaking the same thing.   None.  Zero.  Does not happen.   How, then, unity?????????   If you don't know by now,  I think I will keep the secret.   

One you refuses to deny the Lord's last wishes


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