Thanks Dave
You do understand that I do not hate you?
Maybe you think you understand me.
I am not even simmering.
I do hate the FALSE way of Mormonism
It is the RIGHT way to hate falsehood.
PS 119:104 Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.
You also understand we just disagree sharply, do we not?
How WIDE is the Divide?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Slade Henson wrote:
A Message for Dave Hansen and Dave Hansen alone
Are you offended with posts of this nature that include your name in a disparaging manner? If so, would you be equally offended if your name was not included and the term "The average Mormon" was used?
DAVEH:   I am saddened by such, Slade.  But I am not offended by it.  >From experience, I've learned to expect it, but it does surprise me that after being here for 5 years now, I would continue to be on the receiving end of it from some of my TT friends. 

    In a sense, I prefer that there be no ad hominen rules apply to those who want to speak their mind to me.  It bothers me to think that others can't be up front when they talk to me.  If they think ill of me, I'd prefer they vocalize it so I can try to mend the broken fence.  Failing that, I'll try to find another way to mitigate the situation.  On the other hand, if everybody is afraid to bare their souls to me, I fear the hate that will fester will be far more destructive in the the one harboring such feelings.

    As you know.....I've got a thick skin and am not smart enough to know when somebody is really out to do me harm.  So....most ill phrased comments tend to bounce off without doing much interior damage.  Furthermore....I'm getting too old to raise my blood pressure simply over social misbehavior.  Also, I learned many, many years ago that an angry dog will not bite when you stare them in the face.   It is only when you turn your back on them to run that they will nip you in the butt.  (Hope that doesn't draw a TT reprimand! :-) )    So....when somebody is airing out their grievances against Mormons, it allows me to face their accusations head on, which to me is the safest place to be in such a situation.  As I see it, if their true sentiments simmer within for a long time, eventually their soul will boil over in a situation that becomes difficult to control.

    So, in summary.....Go easy with reprimands to those who view me as a problem in TT and feel the need to express their true feelings.  Unless it creates a problem for you to dispense discipline unevenly, allow them to let their steam blow off harmlessly and I'll let you know if the heat becomes unbearable for me.
The reason I ask is this:
I am not a Mormon,
DAVEH:   Hmmmmmm......that can be corrected, Slade!   ;-)
as you know, but I am embarrassed for you. Why? If Kevin Deegan hopes to "convert" you away from Mormonism,
DAVEH:  No Slade, IMHO I think you are wrong on that.  I don't want to psychoanalyze Kevin publicly in TT, so it is best if I don't continue along that line.
it's my opinion that embarrassment and ridicule is not a proper method of evangelism.
DAVEH:  I agree.  But from my limited experience, it seems to be the SOP for some street preachers.  That's why I am so curious about why some of them go to the lengths they do in decrying the LDS Church during Conference time in SLC twice a year.  IF they really understood the Mormon mentality, I can't believe they would use such tactics to try to convert us away from Mormonism.  What they do there only drives us closer together, rather than apart.   That's why I said above that I really don't think some TTers are trying to embarrass me in hopes of converting me.  So....why do they do it, you may ask?   Briefly....I think it is a source of empowerment.   A lot could be said about it, but  it would go beyond the scope of this thread.
I can't help believe that the main thrust is to shame you away from TruthTalk.

DAVEH:   Long before you arrived on TT, there were others who tried unsuccessfully to do that.   IF most all TTers are uncomfortable with me and really want me to leave, I'll without hesitation unsubscribe, as I don't want to be an aggravation to most of you folks or give Mormonism a black eye on my behalf by staying beyond my welcome.  However.....I suspect my detractors would somewhat miss me if I were to leave.     :-)
Please let me know your feelings. Privately if necessary.
DAVEH:  I prefer to keep most stuff out in the open.  If any TTers think I'm crying to the moderators behind their ain't so.  Nor will it happen in the future.  If I've got a beef with anybody on TT, I'll try to diffuse the situation openly and in public. 
I love you
DAVEH:  Thanx Slade.  I appreciate you saying that.
and I [of course] would like you to see the Truth as I see the Truth,
DAVEH:  All TTers see it that way.....both to me, and to the other TTers!  Interesting how that works, eh.....     It would be nice if we can all share our perspectives and discuss them civilly.  That does not mean we have to buy into the other person's argument.  Rather I think it is important to understand why people believe the way they do.  I guess I'm one of the few on TT to feel that way though.
but G-d has us standing one two different shores of doctrine at this time.
DAVEH:  I don't see that as a big problem for this type of forum at all.  Unfortunately, some do.  While the divide between us seems great at this time, I wonder if in the grand scheme of the Lord's Gospel, the fences we build on earth will be recognizable once we are on the other side of the veil.  So...maybe while we are here on earth, wouldn't it be nice if we could lower those fences enough to peek over on the other side occasionally?  It seems to me that TT is a great place where those with diverse opinions and beliefs can talk about our differences over those fences without letting friction heat the fuse of spiritual destruction to the point of ignition. does require a little effort from each one of us. 
Praying for the best in us all.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Deegan
Sent: Monday, 17 January, 2005 21.18
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] What is a Christian?
  • Dave must adhere to "all the good" and choose the right, else he is not a True Mormon
  • Dave has testified that he follows the Prophet
  • Dave is not a spokesman for the church 
  • Since Dave claims to be part of the Mormon Church he must follow the principles below as to the prophet

Dave Hansen
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