Bill Taylor wrote:
> If we have this God's eye view of reality that
> you and David are suggesting, why can't we,
> those of us who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit,
> not agree upon what we are looking at?
> I know that pride has something to do with it ...

Yes, pride often does have something to do with it, but also there are 
various levels of maturity.  I would say that immaturity has most to do with 
it.  Imagine trying to teach calculus to a five year old child.  It does not 
matter how many different ways you try to explain it, that child is just not 
mature enough to learn it.  You have to wait.  You have to teach that child 
other kinds of math that he or she is ready to learn.  It takes years of 
preparation before you can teach that child more of what you really want 
that child to understand.

In the same way, brothers and sisters are at various levels of maturity and 
understanding.  It takes years of helping them work through various things 
before they will be ready to see from God's eye view of certain matters.

Also, I should point out that my view is not always from God's eye view. 
For the most part, I exist down here on earth and take an earthly 
perspective.  In prayer, however, sometimes God reveals his viewpoint, and 
it sometimes is quite an eye opener.  I also know that this is always 
available.  I might be working down here and have only a few trees in view, 
but I can get on my knees and ask God to show me his perspective.  He can 
bring me up above the forest as well as deep inside the tree at a 
micro-cellular level.

Bill Taylor wrote:
> I just don't want to be resigned to thinking
> that I am the only one who sees the truth
> from above the trees.

It is good that you do not allow yourself to think that you are the only one 
who sees the truth, but at the same time, you should be careful not to 
proclaim that nobody else has God's eye view just because you lack his eye 
view.  We are converging here upon the very reason for the operation of 
prophecy in the church (as opposed to other utterance gifts such as teaching 
& preaching).  Suppose someone is all encompassed about with a particular 
viewpoint, but they are unsatisfied about their limited perspective.  A word 
of prophecy comes to somebody else and they begin to speak it forth.  The 
person's spirit is touched and they suddenly see a different perspective. 
God's eye view comes to them concerning the matter, a viewpoint that was 
somewhat hidden from them before because they were caught up with their own 
desires and emotions.  The word of prophecy exhorts them and encourages them 
and enlightens them.  The Spirit bears witness with their spirit and they 
are edified by this word of prophecy.

The guiding point here is that the Scriptures teach us that we have the mind 
of Christ and that the Spirit reveals to us the deep things of God.  We 
therefore should be careful not to say that nobody on earth has God's eye 
view of a matter.  If we lack that, it is available to us.  Some of us have 
experienced it.  That is my testimony to you today.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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