KJV is acceiptable but all other scholarship is hell bound,  I have no desire to discuss this



A man who owns only one watch ... knows what time it is,
But a man who has two watches ... is never quite sure.

Again I did answer this question.
The answer is CHARACTER
The other Scholars & Christians
Here are some quotes from the greek gang I have a hard time believing God would use these unbelievers to transmit His word.
Dr. Virginia Mollenkott, a literary critic on the NIV translation is an open homosexual
“In 1979 Mollenkott participated in the 9th General Conference of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Church (a denomination composed largely of homosexuals). In a report which was published by the Christian Century, Sept. 26, 1979, Mollenkott stated, ‘This was the most grateful celebration of Christ I had ever attended...’
Sensuous Spirituality: Out from Fundamentalism  “in a very physical sense we are all gay, we are all lesbian, we are all heterosexual, we are all bisexual--because we are all one” (p. 153).
1994 Mollenkott published The Divine Feminine: The Biblical Imagery of God as Female (New York: Crossroad). In this book she describes God as “the One Mother of us all” (p. 19).
“The monism [Hinduism] I’m talking about assumes that god is so all inclusive that she is involved in every cell of those who are thoughts in her mind and embodiment of her image.”
I can no longer worship in a theological context that depicts God as an abusive parent and Jesus as the obedient trusting child.”
Nida UBS text
Nida says, “...God’s revelation involved limitations. ... Biblical revelation is not absolute and all divine revelation is essentially incarnational. ... Even if a truth is given only in words, it has no real validity until it has been translated into life. ... The words are in a sense nothing in and of themselves. ... the word is void unless related to experience” (Nida, Message and Mission, New York: Harper & Row, 1960, pp. 222-228). 
“Most scholars, both Protestant and Roman Catholic, interpret the references to the redemption of the believer by Jesus Christ, not as evidence of any commercial transaction by any quid pro quo between Christ and God or between the ‘two natures of God’ (his love and his justice), but as a figure of the ‘cost,’ in terms of suffering” (Eugene Nida and Charles Taber, Theory and Practice, 1969, p. 53).
A Translator’s Handbook on Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Nida (with co-author Barclay Newman) says, “...‘blood’ is used in this passage [Romans 3:25] in the same way that it is used in a number of other places in the New Testament, that is, to indicate a violent death. ... Although this noun [propitiation] (and its related forms) is sometimes used by pagan writers in the sense of propitiation (that is, an act to appease or placate a god), it is never used this way in the Old Testament.”
New Oxford Annotated Bible RSV (1973)
NOTES ON PSALM 22: “22:12-13: ... the meaning of the third line [they have pierced my hands and feet] is obscure.”
NOTES ON JONAH: “The book is didactic narrative which has taken older material from the realm of popular legend and put it to a new, more consequential use.”
NOTES ON JOB: “The ancient folktale of a patient Job (1.1-2.13; 42.7-17; Jas. 5.11) circulated orally among oriental sages in the second millennium B.C. and was probably written down in Hebrew at the time of David and Solomon or a century later (about 1000-800 B.C.).”
“This idea of verbal inspiration (i.e., of the literal and inerrant inspiration of the text), which the orthodoxy of both Protestant traditions maintained so vigorously, was applied to the Textus Receptus with all of its errors, including textual modifications of an obviously secondary character (as we recognize them today)” (Aland, The Problem of the New Testament Canon, 1962, pp. 6,7).
“The present state of affairs, of Christianity splintered into different churches and theological schools, is THE wound in the body. The variety in the actual Canon in its different forms is not only the standard symptom, but simultaneously also the real cause of its illness. This illness--which is in blatant conflict with the unity which is fundamental to its nature--cannot be tolerated. ... Along this road [of solving this supposed problem], at any rate, the question of the Canon will make its way to the centre of the theological and ecclesiastical debate. ... Only he who is ready to question himself and to take the other person seriously can find a way out of the circuus vitiosus in which the question of the Canon is moving today ... The first thing to be done, then, would be to examine critically one’s own selection from the formal Canon and its principles of interpretation, but all the time remaining completely alive to the selection and principles of others. ... This road will be long and laborious and painful. ... if we succeed in arriving at a Canon which is common and actual, this means the achievement of the unity of the faith, the unity of the Church” (Aland, The Problem of the New Testament Canon, pp. 30-33).

In a message dated 2/16/2005 4:39:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

One way we can see which is blessed of God is the translations fruits
Surely NO translation can compare to the record of Missionary activity, revivals etc that followed the KJV
Again NO answer!
Which Greek?
Which Printing?
Which Edition?
Which Scholar?

Of course there are answers.   But while you continue your offensive positioning, you, once again, failed to deal with the question that that was a part of the above post.  I quote that question again: 

But until you explain how it is that the scholarship of those who gave you the

KJV is acceiptable but all other scholarship is hell bound,  I have no desire to discuss this

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