How do we reconcile  Matt 22:14   "many are called; few are chosen" with passages like Rev. 7:9  "more than could be counted  ..  from every nation and tribe?"  

Do we realize that statements such as Matt 22:14 ARE LIMITED to the Gospel Accounts?   When Christ speaks of "many are called and few are chosen,"  He is speaking of the Jews. 

When His ministry is expanded to include peoples from every nation and tribe  --   things start looking up.    Praise God.   

Does anyone know of teaching outside the Gospel Accounts that counter the Revelation picture?   I cannot find one reference.

"I came to seek and save the lost " was in the Gospel accounts too.  Was that only for the Jews?  I thought you said the other day that you turned the other cheek.  That was Gospel too.  Are you Jewish?  It is true that Jesus was born under the law and remained under the law until He was crucified, but His messages were the good news of the Gospel, to everyone able to receive it.  One of those messages said Few there be that find it.
When Sodom and Gomorrah went down, few eszaped God's judgment.  When water covered the world and all flesh died that was not in the ark, few escaped God's judgment.  When Israel left Egypt for the promised land, of all the slaves that started the journey, two made it to the promised land.
See any pattern here?

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