DAVEH: I very much appreciate your response to each question I asked, Perry. Though I respectfully disagree with some of your conclusions, at least you didn't dodge my question.....Thank you.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:


It is not what we have in common that is the problem...it is what we do NOT have in common.

DAVEH: So you have no interest in discussing theology in an effort to see what we might believe in common?

Cpl: Not Really. I have an interest in exposing the error called mormonism.

DAVEH: To you, TT merely is a place to convert people to your way of thinking. Am I reading you wrong on this? If not, then for what reason did you come to TT, Perry?

Cpl: I am here to convert no one. My original purpose was different than it is now. My purpose now seems to be to expose satanically inspired heresy of the mormons. At least that is the direction in which I am being drawn.

DAVEH: ??? politacally charged framework??? Referring to you as an anti-Mormon would have no political or social consequences on TT. I think the description fits you well, and see no reason why you should not be comfortable wearing it.

Cpl: These days the term “anti-whatever” is used by sinners to discredit those who disagree with their behavior and beliefs. If that is your best defense against my claims, then call me what you like.

DAVEH: Do you feel compelled to attack other religions as you do the LDS Church? IOW....If there was a Catholic TTer, would you treat them the same way you treat Mormons?

Not the same, but I would engage them. They are a Christian church with errors…the mormons are a satanically inspired heretical group in total error.

I can only tell what I know and believe.

DAVEH: That's where I see you might have a problem, Perry. You seem more intent on attacking rather than sharing your beliefs.

Cpl: If you feel the truth as an attack, maybe it is your faith that has a problem.

DAVEH: Is there a possibility the reason you are repulsed is an internal hang-up rather than with what I actually post?

Cpl: If my internal hang-up is that I am repulsed by Satan, the praise God. I have the gift of discernment!

DAVEH: Now....knowing how repulsed you are at the beliefs I espouse, would you advocate I not post my beliefs on TT?

Cpl: Never. But, since the forum is called "truth-talk", posting deceptions here does seem strange.

DAVEH: In times past, some other TTers felt it was wrong for me to even be a member of TT. Do you feel that way as well? IF you feel it is OK for me to be a TTer, do you think it is OK to post my beliefs here as freely as you or any other TTers?

Cpl: No. Sure.

DAVEH: Did you awake having a knot in your stomach and feeling angry? No offense Perry, but that's the way you come across many times.

Cpl: No. I am not angry. I am repulsed.

I recoil at the presence of Satan

DAVEH: ??? Meaning me? :-(

Cpl: You are not the center of our discussion, Dave. Satan and his mormon church are.

DAVEH: Do you feel I am bringing evil to TT? If so, (other than Blaine) have you felt that way about other TTers as well?

Cpl: You are merely deceived and bringing this deception into the forum.

DAVEH: Or, Perry....is it not possible the Lord may want you to know more about what I believe rather than for me to hear what you believe?

Cpl: That is possible, but if so, it is probably not for the reasons you think it is.

DAVEH: Perhaps so.....From what I experience in TT, I certainly have much more appreciation for my LDS culture than I had before.

Cpl: I can understand why Satan would tighten his grip on you when he is attacked.


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