Could be God has given these ppl over to a 'reprobate mind' Lance.  It's a possibility isn't it? Anyway
no prophecy of scripture was ever written by the 'will of man' and no individual will ever by saved
by the 'will of man' either - so why press the brother to do your will rather than obey God?  jt
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 07:42:23 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
As Kevin has so often challenged me 'why not answer the actual question(s) asked? Mind, I don't blame you as it's perfectly understandable, Kevin. You don't (replicate in front of Mosques in the USA that which you do at other locals throughout the USA and, utilizing the same methodology) and, you won't. Do you not view Isam as an = if not greater heresy throughout the land?
Answer: You are correct, Lance. I simply am not called to do this.
FTR Q: Does it appear that anyone else IS called to do this?
Answer: No, it would appear not.HMMMMMM?
We do - you SIT
We preach - you lecture on what you do not do

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I looked at the photo-journal of the SPer's trip. What a waste! A Muslim country? You live in one. As for both trips; the one taken and the one projected, why not take care of 'business' at home? My question was:Why not replicate in front of 'your' Mosques what you do at Mardi Gras, Super Bowl etc.? You won't and, for good reason. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 20, 2005 18:24
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hill Cumorah

Want to come with us to a muslim country to preach?

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now, there's a collection of pictures I'd enjoy having a look at.Of course y'all do this with the same frequency as the others, eh? Will you tell which Mosques, how many and, with what frequency?
Do 'you' believe that Muhammed was inspired to write the Koran by the same one who inspired the BOM namely, Satan?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 20, 2005 14:33
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hill Cumorah

The plain answer is yes
what is your point? your'e afraid?

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm confident that you wouldn't be INTENTIONALLY EVASIVE so, please answer the question as asked. Employing the 'model' (placards, bullhorns etc.)provided for us by DM & Kevin vis a vis the Super Bowl, Mardis Gras and, outside the Temple in Salt Lake City, would they do the same thing outside a mosque (a Muslim place of worship) and, if not then, whey not?
Do revisit what kicked this discussion off. There is a serious point to be made here.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 20, 2005 06:56
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hill Cumorah

I don't know about DavidM but I'm sure Kevin and Ruben have encountered Muslims in their SP travels. I figure it
would be tit for tat (with truth on their side) since Muslims call everyone and everything Western "the great Satan"  My Scots friend tells me that in the UK the Muslims have taken over and that now the Red Cross will not put anything Christian out at Christmas for fear of offending them.  Her brother in Manchester England says he will not give the Red Cross another cent because of it and he isn't even religious.  jt
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 06:34:36 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I do not have a problem with 'exposure'. I don't think that that is Dave's point though.
May I suggest that an equal. if not greater, danger to believers lies within Islam. Could you imagine David Miller or Kevin going to Mosques and, utilizing bullhorns, villify the attendants by addressing THEM as servants of Satan?
I would think it would be more like Jeremiah (see Jer 13:1,2); this is obviously a one time object lesson to
the part of Israel Jeremiah was ministering to rather than a pattern of behavior for all time.  However, part of public proclamation of Truth by nature involves exposing the lie of the false gods which of course will be offensive to those who worship them.  Why do you have such a problem with this?  jt
On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 05:58:55 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Can you give us a "for instance" DaveH?  jt

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:  As I understand your position (and please correct me if I am misunderstanding your position), many Christians (specifically you, in this instance) believe that everything written in the Bible is specifically applicable to Christians today.   So, if a prophet of the Bible used a technique of mocking, that means it is OK for you to do the same thing.  If a prophet of God in the Bible is commanded to go preach on the streets, you assume that instruction applies to you as that correct, Kevin?

    To me, that isn't logical at all.  Just as what he compelled the prophets of the OT to do was not necessarily applicable to the prophets of the NT, what the Lord wants us to do today may or may not be what he wants us to do today.  It seems to me that the Lord over time has commanded various people to do things that he may not have commanded at a subsequent time or other peoples.   Hope that makes some sense.....

Kevin Deegan wrote:
DAVEH:  And because some of the early prophets mocked with God's blessing, you believe it is your right to do so as well?  Isn't that stretching logic a bit beyond it's breaking point?

How so?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Yes, but where they "Contending for the faith"?
DAVEH:  What do you think they were disputi9ng if it wasn't their perspecdtive of the faith?  Don't you think they were arguing the truth as they saw it, perhaps in the same way it is done on TT occassionally?
Please show me where God admonished Paul, for his "much contention"
DAVEH:  My last post about admonishment was regarding the bickering (if that's the proper word for it) Christians who Paul admonished. 

    If you were an apostle as was Paul and admonished me for arguing about theology, I would pay heed.  But I don't think you've even claimed to be an apostle, Kevin.   (Am I wrong on that?)  >From my perspective you seem to be one who is contributing to the contention.  Why do you think Paul's admonishment not to contend (Titus 3:9) doesn't apply to you?  Isn't it just a matter of perspective?  If another TTer were to argue against your understanding of whatever doctrine, why do you think you would be in the right and he would be in the wrong?  Do you sincerely believe you are right on all your points of doctrine, or do you allow you may at times be wrong?
Show me where Elijah was admonished in the scriptures for MOCKING.
In fact right after Elijah Mocking the prophets of Baal, God answered his prayer.
DAVEH:  And because some of the early prophets mocked with God's blessing, you believe it is your right to do so as well?  Isn't that stretching logic a bit beyond it's breaking point?
God Mocks
Prov 1:26 Because I have called, and ye refused... But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:   Were not a lot of early Christians in contention, and admonished for it?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
No read the scriptures. They were "IN God" with MUCH Contention.

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH: Do you suppose that could have been one of Paul's faults?

Kevin Deegan wrote:

> By the way did you know that Paul was VERY CONTENTIOUS?
Dave Hansen
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