Terry writes  >  I think the question was probably designed to put you in the expert's seat and we were expected to verify that with our answer.
Well, you certainly did none of that. By the way, you are amazingly perceptive for a man who wrote with no forethought or intended malice. I hope you sleep well tonight. As for me, I'm quite willing to let your "yes" be yes and your "no," no.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] On playing chess & On reading/interpreting the Scriptures for living (not for 'A' living)

Bill Taylor wrote:
Hard to tell based on the limited infomation I have on either man.
Isn't it amazing how much less information it takes to determine the jerks among us?
We all get your point, Lance -- and it's a valid one. But please do not toss me out in another of your comparisons, not to this pack anyway. 
By the way, Terry: Do you have to work and these, or do they come naturally? 
I am not certain what you mean by "these", Bill. That was a simple fact stated with no fore thought or intended malice.  I do not know you any better than the Russian gentleman, nor do I know how much attention either of you would pay to the guiding of the Spirit.  Because of a lack of information, I cannot answer Lance's question any other way, though I think the question was probably designed to put you in the expert's seat and we were expected to verify that with our answer.

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