
I feel you really are mixing apples and oranges here. Some of the characteristics of the jesus and god that the mormons worship mimic the Jesus and God of the Bible...enough that they can convince the undiscerning that they are the same. It is when one begins to examine the non-biblical detail of the mormon jesus and god that one begins to realize the differences and that they are not the same. If we discuss only the common things, of course we will think they are the same.

I night think that you and Judy have the same beliefs and are in total agreement if I looked ONLY at the few things on which you agree. It is the differences that really show that you indeed are very different in your beliefs.

Back to apples and oranges...there is a difference between having the Jesus of the Bible with some error in your understanding v. having the wrong jesus entirely.


From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] A 'prooftexter' vs a 'contexter'
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 19:41:38 -0500

Lance Muir wrote:

Forget what I 'say'. Just stand back and watch. I'd say that what this amounts to is a sideshow for our Mormon friends. They are being told by Perry, Kevin, you, David and Linda that that which and, in Whom, they believe is not Biblical. You folks are demonstrating that A It can't be known (even after having believed for decades) B That it doesn't reall matter all that much EXCEPT FOR MORMONS, OF COURSE!

*===================================================================If I were looking at this with the eyes of the world, I would be in full agreement with you.

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ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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