Again,  I am just amazed that you would argue this point with BT.   I know of absolutely no on who would correct BT on this : "the cross stands as that which gave them life."  .   Life as a result of the cross???  You want "evidence" of life as a result of the cross  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????    absolutely incredble. 
SIMPLE.    He has reconciled all things unto Himself  (Col 1:20 and IN HIM IS LIFE, Judy Taylor, or do you now deny this!!!!).   With the cross, He has made peace   (and I see life in this peace  --  perhaps you don't).  In the body of His flesh through death [on the cross] He  is presenting us to be holy, beyond judgment and above reproach IN HIS SIGHT   -   a condition of living or life.   Heb 1:9 tells us that He tasted death for all of mankind  --  the promise, then, of life proceeds from this insurance.  HE DIED THAT WE MIGHT LIVE is the whole point of Heb 1:9.  In the comments you posted below, you quote  
 If any man will come after me let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.  Because you do not see life in "follow me" is not my problem.   Heb 3:14-15 tells us that it was through His death that Satan was destroyed  -- who had the power death  AND (through His death)  gave release to those who feared death unto bondage.   BECAUSE OF THE VICTORY THAT TOOK PLACE ON THE Cross, WE HAVE COMPLETE AND TOTAL VICTORY OVER HIM WHO HAD THE POWER OF DEATH   ---   LIFE, JUDY, LIFE !!! 
No wonder you do not understand the gospel of Grace.   You haven't a clue as to what the cross of Christ is all about.!!!!     You might read Hebrews  -- so much of this book is about the effect of the cross on us, individually  and upon mankind as a whole.    

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Taylor <>
Sent: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:44:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Spiritual death

On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 14:12:33 -0400 writes:
Bill wrote  >  The cross stands as that which gave them life.
jt: The cross always represents death. judyt
jd writes:
He died that we might live..........................................that's life as opposed to death
He has reconciled all things unto Himself -- and in Him is the word, LIFE and light. 
You are  arguing, now, just to hear your head rattle.   To disagree with Bill on this
point is so far out there as to make it clear that you just don't have anything to
do this morning;  if you agree, end of discussion and BAM  --- nothing much to do!! JD
jt: I always have plenty to do JD and am never, ever bored.
You must have really struggled over those to points - neither having to do with the cross.
which not only is shameful, it is offensive. The Romans made it intentionally so, it was nothing to be desired..
Jesus endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of God Heb 12:2b
Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, een the death of the cross Phil 2:8
Many walk who are enemies of the cross whose end is destruction whose God is their belly who glory in their shame Phil 3:18
I brethren if I yet preach circumcision why do I yet suffer persecution? Then is the offence of the cross ceased Gal 5:11
If any man will come after me let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me
Where do you find life in any of the above JD?

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