As I see it, Dean, there is a "salvation" that delivers us from the condemnation of the law.   When God tells us that under the NT, our sins are not accounted to us  --  He is speaking of sin as a violation of the law IMO.   I can be delivered from the curse of the law and still find myself "lost."    How is that?   In the same say the prodigal son was "lost."   Hell, in that scenario, is the pig pen   ---   a reasonable consequence of the life lived by the prodigal.   We are told that those who do not believe are dead ALREADY.        Eph 4:22-23 tells us that we are laying aside our old self (yes, he is still there but in decreasin g measure) while, at the same time,   putting on  the mind of the Spirit.    This process is called "salvation  IMO, and the end of the precess is also called "salvation."   You seem to think "salvation" is only about an event we call the new birth  ---  rather than a process of growth and activity that eventually leads us to see that God has been working all along to accomplish His will in us   (Philip. 2"12,13 and John 3:21).  Salvation from the condemnation of the Law is an event,  I suppose.  But salvation via faith and grace, bringing us to maturity IS NOT AN EVENT.     In Romans 10:10, the key word is not written in that text  --  it is "eventually."   My belief will eventually lead to righteousness at some level.  If my believing (present tense) is consistent,  I will reach some level of personal righteousness  --  eventually.    If I keep on confessing  (present tense) , a personal salvation will be the result - eventually.   
-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Moore <>
Sent: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:44:10 -0400
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:The HEART of the matter

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 10/16/2005 8:54:39 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:The HEART of the matter

Dean, what is it that one MUST believe about the Christ in order to effect one's salvation?   Is doctrinal correctness as MUST as it concerns this subject?
cd:That He is Gods only way to remove sin that we all at one time or another have committed (but do not have to do so now). Yes Doc. correctness is a must at the point for salvation. I would go farther than believe into the act of receiving this gift unto confession of sins.
Romans 10:10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation (IE. every mouth must confess)(ASV)
-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Moore <>
Sent: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 19:31:53 -0400
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:The HEART of the matter

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 10/16/2005 11:11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:The HEART of the matter

DAVEH:   How would I know, Lance???   Perhaps Brother Dean can answer that question from his personal experience!      :-D

Lance Muir wrote:
Is it possible for one to have a true heart connection (be born from above) with God through Christ by the Spirit while espousing beliefs via one's dogma that are intrinsically unreal (false)?
cd: Yes-but this "dogma" must not take away from the beginners view of whom Christ is-He is God's ( the God of Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob) only son and the only way to remove your sin. This person can even continue in some sins and still be "born again". As God's Holy Spirit teaches him the" Dogma" and hence sin must leave or regression begins. How much God will tolerate is of course up to God not us-no matter how much we run our mouths. The example I give is the man whom slept with his father wife (ie. His stepmother) and was turned over to Satan -by St. Paul soas his soul could be saved-Later he repented and the church-by St. Paul- was commanded to show him great love. My guess is that he went through something similar to what Job did (ie. He wa s covered with maggots eating him alive). Very similar to what happens to a believer whom changes God word just for person reasons-of course a l ost bastard may be giving more patience before judgement- but judgement will come. Cling to Jesus' s words -with your whole heart and you will inherit eternal life friend-its not about Mary-Its not about Joseph-It's not about Mohammed-its not about me-It is about Jesus Christ-May His name be praised.HOLY-HOLY-Holy is the God of Israel!
Dave Hansen
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