-----Original Message-----
David, I agree completely.  But you seem to err on the side of simply brushing aside the "material obedience" if one wishes to have "spiritual obedience."  Do you believe the “shadows” of something should be done away with, or kept, while understanding the deeper aspects? I tend to believe the “shadows” are very significant especially when we receive understanding of their deeper significance and therefore should not be cast aside for the spiritual. We are both physical and spiritual, and whatever we do in one arena affects the other directly.  We cannot do something in just one dimension.  That is why God gave us the shadows/physical to begin with—to lead us into the deeper truths—but they are still truths, and we ignore them to our own detriment, as that affects us spiritually as well.  izzy


When I speak of "material obedience," I am referring the carnal aspect of

obeying it in an earthly, physical way rather than a spiritual way.  For

example, not eating bacon might be a material observance, or keeping the

seventh day as a day of rest.  These are shadows of a greater spiritual

meaning that the law really addresses if we are spiritual enough to

appreciate it.


Peace be with you.

David Miller.



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