JN 9:39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The post was a response to Dean so it was addressed to him.

DAVEH:   Shouldn't you be asking that question of all those who feel the need for another translation subsequent to the KJV? 
cd:  Dave this has been on my mind for quite some time and of late it is becoming a strong consideration-but realize it is my opinion and had not been resolved yet to any strong belief. Jesus told His disciples that he spoke in parable because they were giving the keys to heaven but the pharisees were not giving that understanding. God told Isaiah that with ears they would not hear and with eyes they would not see-because he has blinded them to truth. Jesus Christ marveled that God has with held wisdom from the proud and gave it to children.I'm beginning to understand that God also using the wording of the KJ for that very same reason-those with a pure heart will search with prayer and research and find his truth-That is why it is important for believers to pray for others. In the Torah God said that it was the honor of Kings to search out his truth. The problem I have with the NASV is it took the words of Jesus away-That is serious indeed as even the Angels waited for enons to hear His words. On e could show me 1000 correct thing in the NASV and that one weakiness would stand out against the NASV and it makers-There is ample proof it was in the origional MSS.


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