Bill wrote:
> You highlight the problem with leaving off the
> present passive aspect of this participle, David;

I have not left off the present passive aspect.  In English, we don't 
conjugate the participle this way, but the phrase is clear enough for those 
of us who understand English.  It carries over the present tense and passive 
voice just fine.

Bill wrote:
> hence loosing track of the unfinished- or
> incompleteness of it.

You are reading to much into first year textbook definitions, Bill.  I 
expect more from you.

Bill wrote:
> Do you presume to have finished the race,
> while waiting for the likes of Paul to catch up?

No, of course not.  My comments to Judy make this clear, and illustrate why 
this thread is so ridiculous.  I agree with you about the reality that 
sanctification is an ongoing process.  My comments to you concerned the 
exegesis of this one passage.  Your question to me here misses my point 
entirely.  Regardless of how I answer your question (and you already know my 
answer from past posts), the text you exegete is uneffected by the answer. 
In other words, your question is irrelevant, so why waste the time asking 

Present tense passive voice in English is the same as present tense passive 
voice in Greek.  Why are you trying to make out like it is something 
different?  It almost seems like you are presenting a situation where you, 
as a student of Greek, have personal private knowledge that others lack.  Do 
you really think they are handicapped in understanding this passage because 
of their lack of formal education in the Greek language?

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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