----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12/16/2005 3:52:43 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Saturday Sabbath

In a message dated 12/15/2005 8:12:57 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Please tell us your view of resting on the Saturday Sabbath.  I hesitate to bring up the subject because of such stinking attitudes from some on TT.  iz
Blainerb:  I think the Saturday Sabbath is great, more power to anyone who keeps a Sabbath of any kind, providing they sincerely believe they are in the right.    The key here is that we are consistent and honorable in what we do--that we maintain our integrity.  As one man put it, "Whatsoever thou do est,  O man,  play the part well."
But Saturday Sabbath obviously is a hold-over  from the Law of Moses, so as such it is no longer binding--It was, further, the practice of early Christians to honor the Lord's Day, or the first day of the week, Sunday, in deference to the Lord's overcoming the final enemy of mankind, death.  
cd: I don't believe you read the attachment I sent with the 'Saturday Sabbath' Blain -I suggest you take the time to do so as it will save us both some time.The Sabbath was giving before Moses received the ten commandments which is the part of the Law that is still with us (Gen 2:2,Exod 16:28).The early Christians kept the Saturday Sabbath as both Jesus and Paul observed Saturaday.Because the Lord rose the first day of the week does not void the Sabbath-some kept both days. Every group or nation that forgot the Sabbath in the bible was severely punished-Babylon captivity was in the most part due to forgetting the Sabbath.

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