I'm fully aware that a case can made for that which you, DM, Iz and, Judy, in differing fashions, claim to have achieved in your lives, Dean. IFO believe this "case" to be abstracted from the realities of life...even/especially..the life of any believer. Your concluding comment concerning 'patience' makes my point for me. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: February 04, 2006 09:30
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 2/4/2006 9:06:57 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

Respectfully and, may it please the court...maturation this side of ...eschatological consummation...amen!  Sinlessness this side of eschatological consummation..DANGER WILL SMITH (if you 'google' this phrase you'll see 'heretical ideals...appropriately-
cd: Lance 1 John 2-12-17 Deals with three levels of Christian maturely and the last two mentioned overcoming the wicked one-which means not listening to the one who would lead us into sin-post salvation.. I would put if up but don't feel anyone would even read it much lees seek to understand it. So I will simply moderate for a while as my impatience seems to be getting the better of me-May God bless you and give me more patience.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: February 04, 2006 08:54
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2/4/2006 7:52:49 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

Another thing  .................  this argument "God will not ask of us what we cannot do" is something you need to rethink.  
Have you never said "Come on , walk to Daddy" ?? Have you never received instruction (Dean, do this and then do that)  that you could not [at first] do? 
to imagine that we can be perfect AS GOD IS    --  well, that is to miss the point of goals and the  process of maturity.    Further, if God told us nothing that we cannot  (or will not) do,  there is no need for sin offering other than what exists in the Old Law. 
cd: The need for the sin offerings wasn't because the people could not do as instructed-it is a way of removing the quarrel we had with God by the sin- which is mingled with innocent blood that God loves to make the offering more pleasing. We can keep from sin John as we are not renewed in weakness by in power.If we couldn't do so there wouldn't be any punishment for that sin. The would be not need to put off the old man which is sin-that is who the old man is John-sin. He is a very ugly demon following us around tugging at you arm to draw you away and the only way to leave God is to prefer sin more than God.You are overlook a whole lot of scripture to cling to error-respectfully- so for now keep you error for in it is weakness as you seem to love it so much John-the shame is you- as a Pastor -are teaching this to others and will not receive correction in this area-which produces weak Christians-who will never understand why if is important to keep from sin... Know that we adjust our understanding to the work of now not t he other way around Bro. May God bless you as I feel I have gone as far as the Spirit would have me go in this area for now-my prayers are for you John.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2/3/2006 12:02:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

Soooo, the moment of "conversion" presents one with the full ability to be sinless? 
Please tell me you are kidding!! 
cd: Christ must have thought so as He clearly states go and sin no more.Again why would God/Lord instruct us to do something that was impossible to do-and tells them what will happen if they do so.Respectfully John this is illogical as you are clearly saying that there is no difference between the lost and the saved.

Joh 5:14 Afterward3326, 5023 Jesus2424 findeth2147 him846 in1722 the3588 temple,2411 and2532 said2036 unto him,846 Behold,2396 thou art made1096 whole:5199 sin264 no more,3 371 lest3363 a worse5501 thing5100 come1096 unto thee.4671

-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cd; To stay in perversion John will change the chemistry of the body in time but all men are born equal.Naive? I wish I had remained so on some things sir.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2/3/2006 9:01:12 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

Your naivety is noted.    

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2/2/2006 10:02:36 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

Your choice of a racial slur for comparison causes me concern that you have perhaps been deceived into thinking that homosexuality is a racial issue, and that homosexuals are born the way the are.  Do you think homosexuals need special protection from prejudice just as other minority ethnic groups would?  Are you in agreement with the legalization of homosexuality and adultery?    DM
Well, if we are going to keep them from having jobs ; if we are going to kill them or put them at the back of the bus, my answer is "yes."  
Homosexuality  IMO is the far end of the scale we call promiscuity.   At the same time,  I do believe (in fact, I know )  some are born gender "confused."
cd; Sin is a choice.God doesn't make mistakes as in-Oops I meant that one to be a women and accidently gave him a male organ but I will send him IT anyway-then they can have conflict over my word and they can fight it out while I sit back on my throne and laugh at those dumb fools. I don't think so John:-)
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It was your predecessors that lynched the aforementioned. It was your predecessors that barred the aforementioned entry to churches. It was your predecessors who generated the plantation mentality still imbued in the aforementioned. It was your predecessors, the celebrated founding fathers, who helped form the bigotry that still characterizes your nation of 'believers'. Do consider the larger context within which that which you do is seen by those you seek to 'help', David..........
Sent: February 02, 2006 09:32
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Interesting observation

JD wrote:
> Sodomite is a name we call people just
> as "nigger" is a word that offends.    
I don't see it that way, John.  Sodomite is a Biblical word, and it points to a particular sexual practice.  Furthermore, it reminds the hearer of the Biblical city which brought upon them God's judgment for accepting and engaging this kind of sexual behavior.  The homosexual agenda has hijacked the English language by adopting the word "Gay" for themselves.  If they can incorrectly use the word gay, then I can correctly use the word sodomite to remind people exactly what we are talking about.
Nevertheless, I ought to make it clear to you that I rarely use the word "sodomite."  In fact, I suspect that it is possible that I may have never used the word sodomite, but I could be wrong about that.  I usually talk about the evil of sodomy, and I often talk about the University's Official Department of Sodomy or State Sanctioned Sodomy or Government Funding for the Promotion of Sodomy and Fornication.
Your choice of a racial slur for comparison causes me concern that you have perhaps been deceived into thinking that homosexuality is a racial issue, and that homosexuals are born the way the are.  Do you think homosexuals need special protection from prejudice just as other minority ethnic groups would?  Are you in agreement with the legalization of homosexuality and adultery?
David Miller.

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