----- Original Message -----
From: Christine Miller
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: 3/3/2006 1:54:00 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] An excellent Article on Islam Today

I doubt the writer of this article knows the Lord, Dean. I am not sure I understand your question. I would put moderate Mulims and lukewarm Christians in the same boat.

As I see it, their sin is being fearful or cowardly. Rev. 21:8 gives a list of people who will have their place in the lake of fire, listing the cowardly among muderers and idolaters. What makes them lukewarm is their fear. They won't get out of the boat and walk on the water when Jesus bids them come. Now, Jesus never bid the Muslims to come and cause destruction, but I think their sin the same if they will not take a stand against the atrocities of their bretheren.

Did I understand your question correctly, Dean?
cd: Actually it was a very good structure if ideas Christine. The point I was trying to make is: If a true believing Moslem is faithful to his religion we infidels must be killed by them.Same with a true believing Christian with- fire they must do the work of the Lord.No room for lukewarmers/Moderates in either religion.In time the moderate Moslems will be attacked by the faithful Moslems or drive them to become as they are.Inevelible.The lukewarm Christians (even in Canada) will- in time- make a more aggressive attack on faithful fire breathing Christians-I suspect you see this already beginning to happen on the streets and on this site..

Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2/27/2006 6:01:21 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] An excellent Article on Islam Today


This will be my 11th consecutive column, directly or indirectly on the “Danish cartoons” issue. The cartoons themselves were a red herring from the start -- a fake issue, trumped up by fanatical Muslims seeking grievances to abet a confrontation, and thereby extract concessions from the West.

. . .

And from a mixture of fear of, and sympathy for, large, recent, Muslim immigrant communities in the West, we confuse domestic and foreign issues. I do not doubt the great majority of Muslims, in Canada and around the world, are decent, “moderate” people, who want no part in a “clash of civilizations”. But it has become obvious they can do nothing to stop the triumph of “Islamism” internationally, or oppose the fanatics proselytizing in their own communities.
cd: Christine what is the difference between a lukewarm Christian and a moderate Moslem?Overlooking the the salvation issue.

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