DAVEH:   Dang....Now I have to adopt G's habit of replying to his own posts!

    First, let me apologize for posting this prematurely.  I started a rough draft and got as far as I did when I decided to spell check it before I went to bed.  I quickly hit what I thought was the SPELL CHECK button and instead managed to hit the SEND button!  I did this before finishing my draft, and prior to rereading it before posting it.  So....my below thoughts are just things that were going through my head and I put them down as quickly as I could type without thinking it through.  Nor was I finished.  So....if what you read below bothers you, please forgive me, as I don't know if I would have posted what I wrote below or not.   Even if I were to think what I wrote was appropriate (and what I had intended to write), it certainly does not represent my complete thinking on this matter.  I was about to go to bed, and figured I'd complete my thoughts tomorrow (and probably editing them quite a bit in the process) before posting them.  So...before any TTers jump the gun in responding to what I wrote, I'd request you wait until I finish this up, as I would like to elaborate on what I was thinking at the time of my erroneous post.

Dave wrote:

DAVEH:  Sure Kevin.  You are trying to make the term pagan fit your perceived need to define somebody (me) in a way that differentiates me from you.

    If you want to use the term pagan as you've defined it below, it seems one prominent condition needs to be met to define one as a pagan.  That he worships false gods.....interestingly, that they used the term gods as in plural.

    Since Mormons worship the only true God, they would view themselves not as pagan at all.  However, could that not lead one to ponder whether those who worship a trinitarian God might be considered Pagan?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Due to your suggestion on Christian in the dictionary, I now have a problem because to remain consistent I check the definition of Pagan. Since a Pagan can not be a Christian then one can not logically be a member of both groups.
This poses  a problem of inconsistency, can you rectify this problem?
Should we just use selective definitions? Perhaps use just the kinder gentler definitions on a consensus basis?
PA'GAN, a. Heathen; heathenish; Gentile; noting a person who worships false gods.
1. Pertaining to the worship of false gods.

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Judy wrote:
> What reason would anyone on TT have
> to assume that a lifelong Mormon is also
> a Christian?

Following is how my dictionary defines a Christian:

noun (plural Chris·tians)
1. believer in Jesus Christ as savior: somebody who believes that Jesus
Christ was sent to the world by God to save humanity, and who tries to
follow his teachings and example

If we accept the secular definition of believer as somebody who believes in
the teachings of a particular religious faith, then from my perspective,
Mormonism falls into this category of Christian. This does not mean that
they have the right belief system, or that any of them will be saved. It
simply places them in the Christian category, as a religious sect that is
centered on the idea that Jesus Christ is the Savior sent by God to save
humanity. There are false sects within Christianity, and I think the Mormon
sects are among them.

David Miller.

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