
I'm currently testing a business scenario for use of tryton in a trading 
company. Some question where I appreciate your help:

- tryton can maintain different companies to work with. How can I quickly 
change the company (e.g. doing a sales as company A, then a Purchase as 
Company B, and next a sale as company C)?

- When I enter a new party, e.g. employee, the party number is assigned 
internally (means the systems creates the number). Can I switch this to 
external number assignment (I create the number/alphanumeric)? Is this coding 
or configuration work? 
- Same question applies for offers (to customer) and quotation from purchasing

- when adding a party associated with sales, how can I add a contact person?

- where are bank data for companies / parties maintained

- tryton offers the possibility to send a .odt document by mail to a party. 
How can i send a PDF?
Is there a way to fax the document out of tryton (e.g. via sendfax, or PDF-
email to the fax server)?

- Is there any integration with a telephone system possible (e.g. click on a 
contact's phone number to call him)? e.g. via skype or an external telephone 
system? Has someone already build this?

- when creating a material, I have to enter sales and purchase price. In many 
cases we will not know this at that point in time. How can I swich off that 
these fields are mandatory? 

- Similar problem on the quotation for sales - is it possible to create a 
quotation for sales with just a reference, means without customer in it? (This 
will be added of course before it is sent out!)

- How can I create an inquiry to a supplier based on the just created 
quotation for sales? Can I copy one inquiry from another (to ask same product 
with a different supplier)?

- how can I see sales / purchases to a material ('open related records' on a 
material does not show this)

- sometimes there are variable components in sales, e.g to cover changing 
copper price. so the material price consists of
material                        20EUR
copper component        5,33 EUR
Can this be handled in tryton in one sales line?
Adding a second sales line for the copper price is a potential solution, but 
might cause problems in case of multiple sales lines with copper component....

- how can I see the document flow (quotation 2411 resulted in sales order 333, 
invoice 231, with associated account records (postings) 33344455). Plus link 
to associated supplier inquiry, if possible

- how can I create customer hierarchies (e.g. customer A belongs to group C, 
customer D is a subdivision of A)? Is there a reporting possibility on this 
(see sales on group and company level, for example).

- in general I miss the incoterms in sales and purchase, plus information on  
customs tariff code -  is this planned to add? 

- is there a kind of 'customer/vendor info record' that combines a material 
with a customer, e.g. to store special customer information for that material 
(e.g. material is called 'Jim' , but in customer / vendor terms it is 'John')

- in order to avoid misunderstanding in dates in international communication, 
can the month in tryton always be displayed as JAN, FEB, MAR, etc? (european 
notation is usually 01.02.2013, 01 FEB 2013, while 01.02.2013 is for a US-
customer JAN 02, 2013)

- how is the lock mechanism work (to prevent that one record is changed from 
User B while user A is working on it). Can user B at least open a record in 
view mode then?

- has anyone already combined tryton with a reporting tool like Pentaho, 
Jasper or Qliktech?

..a lot of stuff. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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